Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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Private User


@Gunnar Peter Jessen

I didn't pay attention to this discussion before now, so I'm not sure what exactly has been discussed. It seems rather unnecessary for everybody to add everybody, the way that collaborations work now. But this kind of thing can be useful, of course, particularly if it can be self-policing. If somebody here is "caught" messing things up deliberately, I think it would need to be made very public here.

Anyway, I don't want to be left out, of course. But I don't know how the @ trick is supposed to work. It does absolutely nothing in my browser. (Chrome OSX). @Flemming Funch

I also use Chrome. About half the time if I use the @-trick, I get results and the rest of the time I don't. I think it brings up people i am already connected to, in some way. I got no result when using @ and your name, but I did when I tried Gunnar's name. Gunnar just recently became one of my collaborators. It works when I use if for someone related to me. I don't know if it's a Chrome issue or a Geni issue.

Welcome to the pool.

Flemming Allan Funch
Hi Flemming, it only works if you s t a r t the post with the @and then just type the first letters of the name you like ti link. It can be yours, a relatives, collaborators, family members, a friends or....a bookmarked name!

I will be glad to cooperate with all merge issues and usually respond within 24 hours of any request.

in the past week i've gotten 2 requests to merge from various people. upon going to the provided link in their request, I have gotten a "link invalid' message. that doesn't help any of us.

latest invalid links from:

Geoffrey Trowbridge for Alice Bradford
Michael Trevor Lancaster for Dorcas Bassett (Joyce)

so before sending your message, please double check your links to make sure that they actually do connect.


I will be glad to cooperate with all merge issues and usually respond within 24 hours of any request.

in the past week i've gotten 2 requests to merge from various people. upon going to the provided link in their request, I have gotten a "link invalid' message. that doesn't help any of us.

latest invalid links from:

Geoffrey Trowbridge for Alice Bradford
Michael Trevor Lancaster for Dorcas Bassett (Joyce)

so before sending your message, please double check your links to make sure that they actually do connect.

@pamela: the error link appears when the merge is already taken care of and merged by someone else. The requester can not controle that.

OOOOhhhhh. thanks for letting me know. i just hate to leave hard-working people hanging out there, waiting for an answer.


@Pam suggest not using your email address as a signature..

Does anyone think that it is because we have so many Collaborators that this is occuring..

I am getting numerous 'Link Invalids'

I think it's more that several people are working in the same area of the tree at the same time. I've had this happen a few times over the last several months, and it's always been because someone else completed the merge before I got to it. It's not really a problem, is it? Maybe more of a minor annoyance? :-)

I'd certainly rather have too many people working on merges than not enough!

I received my first "link invalid" request just this morning. Since I have thousands of other merges to work on, I'm not spending much time worrying about it. It will either not be an issue, as everyone has seemed to indicate, or it will eventually come back to me to review. If anyone needs me to do something for them (related to Geni, of course), feel free to send me a message. Thanks!


Angus, if a profile has 60+ managers, then the merge issue is likely to show in ALL of their merge issue lists. So yes, often people will get to it before we do. I've been having this happen to me long before I had ANY Collaborators.

Re Shmuel post:
No..... does it? Only the main manager (the one to the left so to speak) get the merge issue in his/her merge issue list.

The invalid link is because we now collaborate like never before .... and it's wonderful!!

But - a hint - if anyone see that I can merge several profiles in a stack you just have to send me one request - I almost always try to check if I can merge some more before I leave the profile. If you send merge requests to 5 active users, perhaps we all act that way and there will be invalid links for shore.

Private User
Private User
In my case is just a War, who do't first and has the hapinnes of being the fist

I'm going to see what I can do about the Invalid Link message. Feel free to add me to the collaboration pool: Mike Stangel

@Hans Egil Hansen

I will happily colaborate. Bjørn Jentoft


Private User

Private User

Sounds good,
@Karen Mattox

Private User

Hey, y'all! Bumping the message, again...

Surely, there are more than 400 people willing to get in on this most exciting collaboration project??? C'mon, join us. It's working great so far!

and all of ya.
remember to send collaborating requests to the people in the Collaborating Pool !

And please ACCEPT requests from the collaboration pool requestors.

Okay!@Katharine Milloy

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