Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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Alas, my fellow friends and collaborators, my Pro membership has run out. Like many in these time, our family is more than struggling. So, for the time being, I won't be able to complete any more requests. I look forward to retuning as soon as possible. Maybe I can convince some of my family to go in together as a Christmas gift or something...

It has been a pleasure. I remain a devotee and am thankful for the many friends I've made here.

Yours in the pursuit of family and history,
Private User

That's a bummer, Jennifer. If there's anything you (or anyone else for that matter) want a PRO to do, let me know. I'll be happy to help any way I can. Come back to PRO soon - and don't leave geni altogether!

Private User

Are we reinputting our names???
If so, ok, here goes: Private User

No we are NOT, Mimi. Please let's NOT start that. ;-)

Oh, ok...I just "ASSumed" because I thought Jeff Gentes would surely already be part of the "pool." LOL

Whew! so very glad we don't have to re-input ourselves!

Why Mimi?? once a Cllaborator always a collaborator unless we stop collaboration with each other.

I was hesitant to join the pool at first due to fear of all the e-mails I might receive. :-) But with the new auto-accept feature, it makes it easier to respond to common and trusted collaborators.

^U^ jeff even with all the people i collaborate with ...i don't get very many .... sigh.... so if i missed asking anyone on here please let me knows Private User

@Phillip John Christie

Desiree "Dez" Stratford
I'm in! What can I do?

Private User

I definitely am in. I have spent way too many days waiting for collaboration requests to be accepted!

Yo Dez,
the only thing you really need to DO, is go through the list Henn posted a few pages back, and request to collaborate with everybody on the list (and those who joined since then).

The merge requests will follow...

To Shmuel, Thanks. I need articulated instruction. I have my retarded moments- jus ask my kids. I wanted to say, I decided to name my character 'Abram Shmuel' I changed my mind or maybe 'Benjamin Shmuel' so his friend the king can call him Shmuel through out the movie. I hope you don't mind. I can change it if it's just too much.

another dumb question, where exactly is the collaborate request button?

Dez when you open their profile., look to the Right you will see 'More Actions' click on that under there you will see 'Request To Collaborate., click on that.

Another Window will open, we suggest deleting what is inside of it and type in something like 'From Collaboration Pool', click Submit

oh, I wasn't seeing it because I was ALREADY collaborating with them. ha ha... n e v e r m i n d -Rosanna Rosanna Danna

That's OK Dez, I needed that info Milt

Me too! I could not figure out how to send collaboration requests either...thanks for asking!

Sierra and everyone else
Thanks for pointing that out. Next time the collaboration list is updated, let's also post instructions on how to request collaboration for those new to the process.


detailed instructions for requesting collaboration for our "newbie" collaborators --
1. click on one of the links in Henn's post.
2. you are at the profile page.
3. if already collaborating with this person, you will see a pair of green arrows after his/her name.
4. if no arrows, send request.
5 to send request, go to right side of profile and click on "more actions"
6. click on "request to collaborate" and wizard opens
7. in the blank space after the greeting message, type in "Collaboration Pool."
8. send the request.

Most people have been responding within the week. Be patient, they all have lives, too. I have found that 99.9% of the people who sign up for the pool take it seriously and want to work with you.

If you are sending a merge request to someone who is NOT on the collaboration list, there is an easy way to get them involved. In the merge request wizard, after the greeting message, copy and paste this message --
I am a member of the collaboration pool! “If you are interested in actively merging and such in the tree, we will all benefit from you joining the Collaboration Pool: This will help you find people who will help complete merges and resolve problems for you.

That send the person to this discussion board and they have the opportunity to get to know us and to join us.

Hope that helps!
Happy ancestor hunting,

Henn Sarv
I am now up to 248 collaborators -- haven't kept track of pro/non-pro stats -- but about 1 month ago I was at 115.

There's now 160 in the pool? Am I understanding your post correctly? If so, I will have to figure out who I'm working with that is not in the pool and invite them to join us.

It sort of worries me that we're encouraging newbie collaborators. It takes a little bit of time to learn the tools and get familiar with proper merging. I'd prefer if newbies got their feet wet with local collaborations before jumping into the larger pool. Swimming too fast can be dangerous to the tree.


I just found the "View nearby merges" pull down. That is a neat little tool for exploring the nearby areas.


it was added about a month ago and the word "nearby" was added a couple of days ago

Private User
Can anyone help resolve this tree by merging possible duplicates with same names but one year off on birthdates etc. I do not have a definitive tree to work from on this so collaboration from the closest families would be necessary.

can't help you there, as one set of profiles is locked to me. Regarding duplicate children, there is enough of differences in the year, that I wouldn't know enough to merge.

In ANY case, you would most likely get better results if you posted that query to the following discussion, which is where the informal "merge group" hang-out. These users are probably the most well-connected and knowledgeable. "Merge Issues 6"

This discussion should be limited to people wanting to join or leave the Pool. There is also another discussion FOR the pool, here:
"Discussions about the Collaboration Pool"

Private User

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