Greetings all...
One of the most frustrating/irritating thing about geni (for me) is the time consuming nature of trying to get enough permissions to fix many areas of the tree.
I, currently, have 398 collaborators... a number it's taken me more than a year to accumulate, and I still run into large areas where I have no permissions to work in.
So I propose a solution to this, in this very thread.
My solution is simple... post here with "@yourname" to indicate your willingness to join the "Collaboration Pool".
The rules are simple:
1.) if you post here, you are indicating your willingness to accept any collaboration request from anyone else who posts here
2.) before you can send a collaboration request from someone in this thread, you *MUST* post your name here (reciprocity)
3.) you may remove your name at any time by deleting your post
4.) you must respect the deleted posts as 'out of bounds' (ie., *DO NOT* send a request to a user who has deleted their post here)
5.) a post in this thread *without* the "@yourname"... is *NOT* an entrant in this pool
If enough people join in this effort, we can, rapidly, remove many of the prior barriers to fixing this mess.
Jason P Herbert