Eesti -> English. Kui keegi viitsiks mind aidata tõlke korrektuuriga = I'll owe you one :) Ej julge täitsa enda Eesti keelt usaldada...
"Toomas Hellat ja KGB - Tõnis Ritson" (lhk.8):
(Hjalmar-Fritjof Pöhl) - Sündis Tallinnas, isa Hans Pöhl oli kooli õpetaja. 1928 lõpetas Tallinna Saksa poeglaste gümnaasiumi, 192833 õppis TÜs teoloogiat, 193536 ja 194041 aga õigusteadust. Lic teol 1954 ja lic phil 1956 Lundi ülikooli juures. 193444 Rootsi Meremisjoni ja ühtlasi Vormsi koguduse õpetaja, al 1934 Haapsalu Rootsi eragümnaasiumi juhataja, 193744 EELK Rootsi praostkonna praost. 1944 pages Rootsi, tegutses eestlaste kirikuõpetajana Stockholmis, Göteborgis ja Lõuna-Rootsis. 195464 Lundi Södra Selleropi koguduse eestlaste õpetaja, avaldanud töid usuteaduse alalt. Suri Mariehamnis. (AA II5209388). 1956 oli Eesti NMKÜ Lundis juhatuse liige, ordineeriti 5.06.1953 (EK, 151, 176). Paguluse algaastatel suhtuti kaheti: kiideti paljude inimeste aitamise eest Rootsi asumisel ja sõimati kopsakate summade pärast, mis tegevuse käigus abistaja tasku läksid.
Free translation from excerpts of the text "Toomas Hellat & KGB - by Tõnis Ritson"
Hjalmar-Fritjof Pöhl was born in Tallinn, his father, Hans Pöhl was a school teacher - among other things. Hjalmar graduated from 'Tallinna Saksa Poeglaste Gümnaasium' in 1928. During 1928-1933 he studied theology at Tartu University & during 1935-36, 1940-41 he studied law. Teol.lic. 1954 & Phil.lic. 1956 at Lund University in Sweden. At 1934-44 he was teaching at the Swedsih Mariners' home in Tallinn & was also a teacher at the Vormsi congregation. At 1934 he was the director of the 'Haapsalu Rootsi Eragümnaasium' & at 1937-44 the EELK's Swedish Provost. He went to Sweden in 1944 & acted as a parson in Stockholm, Gothenburg & as a teacher in southern Sweden, Lund, teaching in various areas of theology. Hjalmar died suddenly in Mariehamn. Ordained at 1953.06.05, in 1956 the board member of the Estonian YMCA (NMKÜ). The early years in exile were met with a fragmented reception: Praise was given due to the help that many people received in their escape, but also criticism due to the hefty sums that many felt went straight into the pockets of the facilitators of the escape.
Hjalmar-Fritjof Pöhl -
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