Hi, I know that this conversation is in estonian, but I hope someone can help me.
I'm looking for my grandfather, my mother father, Kalju Kukk. I believe he past away in the middle of the 50's but I'm trying to locate any relatives to him.
I think he was from Tallinn.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Fredrika Anna Hilma Chava Frenkiel , there are several persons of this name, f.e. Kalju Kukk , Kalju Kukk ,
Kalju Kukk ,
husband of Mailis Kukk ...
The database of burials is in English too: http://www.kalmistud.ee/haudi?filter_maetud_eesnimi=Kalju&filte...=
Thank you Jaak & Jaak! He wasn't there.
He was shot on american waters when he fought for Estonia in the 50's. I think he was shot by the russians. He stayed a few months at a time in Sweden before his death in between battles and from what we know he was never buried so no gravestone.
He was killed 1954. So this is quite a mystery.
Thank you for all your help, if you hear anything, please write to me.
Fredrika Anna Hilma Chava Frenkiel - if you know and will give us your grandfather's date of birth, where he was born, was his surname changed 1935-1941, where he lived until WWII, his mother's name, his father's name, his siblings, partners, children ... then we probably can find some traces at Estonian sources. Without additional info I can say that both surname Kukk and first-name Kalju / Kaljo are too popular in Estonia to make any decision.
Lauri Kreen
Here you can see the popularity of surname Kukk:
The link gives us information that surname Kukk was given 1826/1835 in Livonia and Estonia to peasants in/of 118 different manors.
In each manor there was at least one peasant or family who got this name. Most of them were no relatives at all...
Just to add to this: Kukk means Cock (that's why it is so widespread)
And to be very clear: in Estonian it is just and only the male domestic fowl's name, nothing strange or frivolous is hidden in this word.
You could be considered rightfully proud as a cock, or when having a bit too fancy clothes on, you may be deemed to be flashy as a cock.
Haha, Thank you Arne and Lauri. I actually had a breakthrough!
I got a link from a person at this forum, http://rahvusarhiiv.ra.ee/public/TUNA/Artiklid/2010/2010-2_sisu.pdf
page 108-110. He was born 1923 in Pärnu, tahkuurana, but it says nothing about his family only that he died in 1953. Do you think I can turn to the army in Estonia and ask for help?
he was born in 1924 and his father is Nikolai, (he is possible orthodox...)
And yes, i find his birth record:
16.3.1924, father Nikolai Kukk and mother Anna Mihkli daughter, both orthodox...
He was arrested in 1954 and got a death penalty...
Fredrika Anna Hilma Chava Frenkiel
It seems that the same Kalju Kukk may possibly be here in Geni Kalju Kukk (but unpublic), you may contact with the author of this profile Private User
There is some family list from Tahkuranna vald (1922.1934)
Anna Mihkli daughter Peterson is Nikolai's second wife and Eugen Peterson is Anna's illegitimate child...
I hope that you can use saaga :)
Eugen Peterson change his name in 1940:
Tere. Ma olen Martha, ma elan Jaroslavlis (Venemaa). Vabandust, istolzuyu Google tõlkija. Minu vanavanaisa Jaan Gutmann koos semem (naise Ida Marie, Elfriede , Alfred, Jenny Margaret, Walter) lahkus Venemaalt 1914? aastal. Minu vanaema Marta (Jenny Margaret) alati armastanud ja meelde kodumaal Eestis. Teabe kogumine esivanemad (kus nad elasid, kes töötas kus maetud ..... Oleksin rõõmus mingit abi.
Personaalraamat. 1966-2466: sisserännanud; EAA.1271.1.227; 1861-1903. 188
Personaalraamat. A-I, J. VIII kd; EAA.1271.1.252; 1903-1940.141
Marta martash@mal.ru
Oleks jälle abi vaja õigete vanemate valikul.
Hindrik Sibbol õiged vanemad on Karl Sibbol (1826) ja Ann Sibbol
Võib üle kontrollida personaalraamatust http://www.ra.ee/dgs/_purl.php?shc=EAA.3147.1.191:72
Karl Sibbol (1822) ei ole tema isa.
Kas siin on olemas mõni foorum, kus saab väljendada pahameelt Mall Pendini tegevuse üle ning ühtlasi mis oleks vajaduse korral aluseks tema tegevusvabaduse piiramisele Genis? Tundub, et ta ei saa aru isiklikult talle adresseeritud kirjadest, mille sisuks on soovitused mitte rikkuga teiste poolt Genisse sisestatud infot.
Vabandan Eve Uibopuu ees. Jaak Tulp on aga ärastanud minu profiile-
sugulasi ja neid ta tagasi ei anna.
Liivika on sama moodi ennast haldajaks pannud minu sugulastele.
Miks on nii, et nemad kahekesi võivad kõike hallata? Me peaksime
võrdsed olema.
Lukku panek ei aita, olen seda viimasel ajal kasutanud.