Vanity projects

Started by Mike Stangel on today
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Hi everyone,

This was brought up in the "Project scope?" discussion but since that's been a few years I think it merits a new thread. We've recently had to intervene in a case where a user had created a "vanity" project that was intended only for their own genealogy (duplicating much of what's already found on your ancestors list) and in the end we deleted the project, much to that user's dissatisfaction. This one has raised similar concerns, especially the leading line:

Trying to gather all my royal ancestors in one place. Direct ancestors only.

Direct ancestors of whom??

I've tried to clarify our position in the discussion Please do not create "vanity" projects. Since this project has 39 collaborators it's clear that it *could* be about more than just one person's ancestry but for this project to remain, I must ask that you all come up with a vision for how it applies to a broader audience than just one person's direct ancestors, and update the description accordingly.

Keep in mind that none of us care who your royal ancestors are. :-) You can get a list of YOUR ancestors who are Master Profiles here: (these would not all be "Royal" per se, but you get the idea)

I hope we can come up with a way to give this project broader interest and make it feel welcoming to all of our users.

kind regards,

Mike at Geni

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