Nathaniel Marlatt, Sr - Correction from an Internet user

Started by Mike Stangel on today
Problem with this page?


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I work for Geni and we were contacted by someone who's NOT a Geni user, with the following correction for your consideration:

This page has incorrect details for Nathaniel Marlatt. Based on Wentworth county tax assessment and Canada census records, his likely year of birth is/was 1820. He died somewhere between the 1891 Canada census date and the 1900 US Census date where his wife, Phoebe (Ammerman) Marlatt is recorded as a widow, living with or visiting her son in Mecosta county, Michigan.

I see we have no sources posted here, so if this information sounds correct I would encourage one of the managers to make the appropriate changes.

kind regards,

Mike at Geni

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