Suffix moved to Custom Profile Fact

Started by Customer Service on Thursday, February 27, 2025
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We are writing to inform you that the suffix "Australian Boer war Soldier KIA" on this profile has been moved to a "Custom Profile Fact" for use with our newest feature that allows users to choose which profile facts to display alongside names. You can read more about this feature on our blog post at

If you wish to continue seeing "Australian Boer war Soldier KIA" on this and other, similar profiles, please visit your Name Preferences page and enable the checkbox labeled "Show custom profile facts when viewing profile names" at the bottom. Then type or select the label "Australia Military Service" and click the button named "Add Label to Profile Names". You may optionally enter characters or short text to prepend and append to this label, to help you identify them when viewing profile names.

In addition, this profile has been tagged to the project Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) - Australian Soldiers

Kind regards,

The Geni Team

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