What I’ve learned:
- Because the military rank is an authorized prefix, better to use it in that field
- So far, use “War” as the label for the conflict and type the name of the war in the profile value field. More experiments welcome. The conflict should precede:
- SAR / DAR number. Append the description in that little box. I used curly brackets first and last to set it off from the war field.
- if there’s a unit description to be added, such as in the Civil War soldiers, that would follow.
- if you don’t want to see these values next to the name, do not activate in your naming preferences. Either way the data will show under the family group, as it does now.
Pvt. John Warren, Jr.
Pvt. John Warren, Jr., American Revolutionary War (DAR Ancestor #A121587)
Abraham ‘Abram’ Howton
Abraham ‘Abram’ Howton, American Civil War, CSA (43rd Alabama Infantry)