Vincenty Antonov Zukas - As the story goes...

Started by B M G Schalin on today
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Jag har två fragment:

Hur min pappa berättade det: flydde från värnplikten i ryska armén till Helsingfors i början av nittonhundratalet.
förvisad från Finland till Litauen 1942? under andra världskriget, försvunnen i Sovjetunionen

Vad jag hittat någon annanstans:
Citizen of Lithuania, born 29.1.1885, probably in Kaunas (or Klaipeda) brought up in Klaipeda (or Kaunas) came to Finland before1910 as soldier in the army of the Czar, remained in Helsingfors (Helsinki) and married 12.11.1910 Sigrid Emilia Malm (born 31.3.1889, died 2.4.1962);' had three children with her.
Returned to Kaunas in May 1937, disappeared during the war.

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