Hi, I´m trying to find my relatives in USA. Ella Ahonen Duynstee is my grandmothers mother, Tjodina is my mother´s aunt. I´m a finnish teacher from Seinajoki Finland. My mother Maija-Liisa is 82 years old. We don´t know much about Ella´s life in New York. She left her baby girl (my grandmother Helvi) to her finnish relatives in 1913 and moved to USA, where her sister Lydia Ahonen (Mattson - spouse: Frank Mattson) already lived.
Only promising name I have found is Nancy Trees Watts (administrator of Geni family tree). I´have tried to reach her, but not succeed. Can anybody help me? Do you know Nancy or her sister or sieblings. If I have understood correctly, Nancy is my mother´s cousin.
Best wishes from Sari Saloranta, Seinäjoki Finland