Ole Andreas Hansen - Was Ole Andreas Hansen Hans Thoresen and Elen Marie Thoresens child?

Started by Yvonne Thoresen on today
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Hello Private User!
I see that you added Ole Andreas Hansen as Hans Thoresen and Elen Marie Thoresens child some years ago.
I have not come across this child and I have worked quite a lot with this family. See the sources under Histreg and also a biography of Hans Thoresen in lokalhistoriwiki. See links under sources.

Where did you find him? Could he a non-child member of the family that occured in a cencus?

Hei, Yvonne Thoresen

Det må være https://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/6000000075659974926 du tenker på. Jeg erindrer ikke helt hvor den kom fra. Det kan være en hickup, en variant av Andreas Hansen som du har lagt inn.

Jeg tenker det er samme person.

Mvh Dag TB Andersen.

OK! Det ligger ingen kilder eller noe info på han. Da er det vel bare å slette? Den andre Andreas het også bare Andreas.

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