Ermengarde de Bourgogne, comtesse de Dijon, Duchesse de Bourgogne - Correct needed on mother

Started by Erica Howton on today
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Private User Writes

Please correct her mothers tree , conect her mother with her cerrect parents .....her mother comes in under a other name connected to her right father and has zero children and isnt even married so hhe hole family tree gets it wrong !!!

Jag kontaktar dig angående denna profil:

Ermengarde de Bourgogne, comtesse de Dijon, Duchesse de Bourgogne

Private User- can you help?

I’m not following what’s needed.

I think Ermengarde’s mother is supposed to be Adelaide of Burgundy

RICHARD, son of comte BUVINUS [Bouvin] & his wife --- d'Arles (-[31 Aug or 1 or 29 Sep] 921, bur Abbaye de Sainte-Colombe de Sens, Yonne). …

m ([887/88]%29 ADELAIS, daughter of CONRAD Marquis of Transjurania [Welf] & his wife Waldrada --- (-after 14 Jul 929). …

Duke Richard & his wife had [four] children:
1. RODOLPHE [Raoul] (-Auxerre, Yonne 15/16 Jan 936, bur église de l'abbaye de Sainte-Colombe de Sens). Flodoard names "Rodulfo filio Richardi"[24]. …
2. [ERMENGARDE (-after 9 Dec 943). Ermengarde, wife of Giselbert, has been accepted as the daughter of Duke Richard since Du Chesne in 1625[42]. More recently this affiliation has been challenged, in particular because she is not mentioned in her supposed mother's will[43]. … m (before May 926) GISELBERT, son of MANASSES Comte de Vergy & his wife --- (-956). He became GISELBERT Duke of Burgundy, after Raoul and Hugues "le Noir" ceded him their rights to Burgundy in [936]. After his death, Lothaire King of France took direct control of his part of Burgundy[46].]
3. HUGUES "le Noir" (-17 Dec 952, bur Besançon).
4. BOSON (-Sep 935, bur Reims, église de l'abbaye de Saint-Rémi).

Duke Richard had one child [probably illegitimate] by [Mistress (1)]:

Who is Ermentrude of Alsace

I think I supposed to be the same as Ermentrude of Alsace

The MP has the comment:

The relationships for this person profile are presently insupportable barring a primary source to declare otherwise. Please see: Medilands (24 Mar 2022) Alsace Chapter 3 - A

Chapter 3. GRAFEN im SUNDGAU

Luitfried III , Count of Upper Alsace. de Alsace

1. LIUTFRIED [I] (-after 11 Jan 813). "Imma" donated property to Fulda by charter dated 11 Jan 813, subscribed by "Liutfrid comes"[138]. His connection with the family of the later Grafen im Sundgau has not been ascertained, although his name does suggest a relationship which could have been through the male or female line.

[no wife & children noted]

So I will merge to the Master Profile and detach accordingly.

This is about the mother of Ermengarde de Bourgogne, comtesse de Dijon, Duchesse de Bourgogne who was Adelaide of Burgundy

I believe Geni is now correct.

Chapter 2. KINGS of UPPER BURGUNDY 888-1032 (WELF)

CONRAD, son of CONRAD [Welf] Comte de Paris & his wife --- (-876). …

m WALDRADA, daughter of ---.

Marquis Conrad & his wife had [three] children:
1. RUDOLF (-25 Oct 911).
2. ADELAIS (-after 14 Jul 929). m ([887/88]%29 RICHARD Comte d'Autun, son of comte BUVINUS [Bouvin] & his wife --- d'Arles (-1 Jan 921, bur Sens, abbaye de Sainte-Colombe). He was later known as RICHARD "le Justicier" Duke of Burgundy.
3. [-] mother of Adelaide


Do Adelaide & Richard II, duke of Burgundy have too many children, or is it a source discrepancy?

Medlands has 4 children (and one illegitimate son) (see above).

Geni currently has 8.,_Duke_of_Burgundy

By his wife Adelaide (married 888),[1] daughter of Conrad II, Count of Auxerre, and Waldrada of Worms, he had several sons and daughters:

  1. Rudolph, successor and later King of Francia[2]
  2. Hugh the Black, later Duke of Burgundy[3]
  3. Boso,[4] married Bertha, daughter of Boso, Margrave of Tuscany
  4. Ermengard, married Gilbert, Duke of Burgundy
  5. Adelaide, married Reginar II, Count of Hainaut
  6. Richilda, married Litaud I, Count of Mâcon

Dukes of Burgundy family tree shows 6

Resolved 2 extra children of Adelaide.

The 2 who are in Wikitree but not Medlands are:

Luitfried III , Count of Upper Alsace. de Alsace added by Private User recently, needs Sources added to validate.

15 sources attached

Is this the same person?

That's not Geni. Are any there primary sources that can be used to validate this profile here?

This line being added - starting with Luitfrid ,ler Alsace - is already on the tree.Private User request management on the existing profiles, don't create duplicates. I've invited you to the Historical Tree Clean Up: Please Park Unsourced DUPLICATES in the Historical Tree Here! project - which explains why.

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