1. FRIEDRICH [II] (-1030 or after). "Chonradus…Romanorum imperator augustus" donated property "forestum Hesilinestuda…iuxta villam Garza ubi ille rivus Inum fluvium influit…usque ad Pikkilinstein in comitatu Friderici" to the church of Salzburg by charter dated 7 Jul 1027[611]. [“Comes...Friderich” donated “molendinam...in pago Prisingine” to Kloster Obermünster by undated charter, witnessed by “salaman, comes Friderich et filius eius Friderich...”[612]. Wegener dates this document to [1030][613]. m ---. The name of Friedrich's wife is not known. Graf Friedrich [II] & his wife had [five] children:
a) BERTHOLD [I] (-after 16 May 1060). "Chunigundæ imperatricis augustæ" donated property to the church of Freising by charter dated 1025, witnessed by "…Perahtolt filius Friderici comitis…"[614]. Wegener quotes a reference to "comes Perhtoldus de Diezan" dated [1050][615]. Graf von Diessen. Wegener quotes a reference to "Otto son of Graf Perhtold" dated 16 May 1060[616]. m ---. The name and origin of the wife of Berthold [I] is not known. Wegener suggests that she was --- von Hohenwart, daughter of Konrad [von Hohenwart] & his wife ---, to explain the entry of the name Konrad into the family of the Grafen von Wolfratshausen and because property held by the latter previously belonged to the Ratpotonen family of Hohenwart[617]. However, this seems chronologically improbable. Otto Graf von Wolfratshausen, son of Graf Berthold [I], is named between the years 1060 and 1117. It therefore seems unlikely that he was born before 1040 at the earliest. In contrast, any daughter of Konrad von Hohenwart must have been born before [1005], when Konrad is recorded as deceased. Graf Berthold [I] & his wife had [three] children:
i) OTTO [II] von Diessen (-24 Apr ----, bur [Diessen] St Stephan). Ellenhart Bishop of Freising “in manus Ottonis advocati” exchanged property, which was “ex beneficio Ottonis filii Perhtoldi co[mitis]” and with his consent, by charter dated 16 May 1060[618]. Wegener identifies “Ottonis” as Otto Graf von Wolfratshausen[619]. Graf von Wolfratshausen und Diessen.