Hello Raymond Henry, I just find this all so very interesting indeed. Seeing as how my DNA Test Results have lead me to find out that King Charles is my Half 17th cousin and the Queen Camilla is my Full 17th cousin was told. All my life I have been lied to about who I really am and who my biological mother and father are. I have done 4 DNA Tests with four different DNA Test company's. I feel that soon the truth will be none and come forth . I believe in my Lord Jesus Christ and the Almighty God to deliver to me the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help God..For the truth will not only set me free to be the man I'm ment to be and father to all that shall follow me to the way God wants all to be. That is to Love yourself and those around you and treat them as you wish to be treated for we are all Gods creations and we are all created equal every man , women , child are Gods creations. So love each other no matter what race or color you are your all brothers and sisters of Gods Kingdom. Please if you have any more helpful information that may lead me to my true family Mother and my biological Father it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You Sincerely adopted name Kevin Lee Phillips and Biological mother named me Edward.. Edward Francis Kraus