How to delete or detach incorrect ancestors from a tree

Начала Dr Laurel McKenzie сегодня

The profile for James Dodd, convict, lists his parents as Samuel Dodd and Nancy Duff. I believe this to be incorrect, and so all the people who precede Samual and Nancy in this tree.
Cheshire, England Bishop's Transcripts for birth and baptism of James Dodd give mother's name only - Elizabeth Dodd. It seems likely she was an unmarried mother.
Can someone please advise on how to remove the incorrect parents?
Current profile here:
James Dodd, Convict "Oriental Queen" 1853
Gender: Male
Birth: before April 22, 1827
Cheshire England
Death: March 14, 1903
Sheffield, Tasmania, Australia
Immediate Family:
Son of Samuel Dodd and Nancy Duff

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