Count Ernst von Nordgau, DUP DO NOT MERGE YET
Dup to Ernst II av Bayern, count of Bavaria with different wife
Dup to Count Ernst von Nordgau, DUP DO NOT MERGE YET
ok PLZ undo also:
(PRO merger already trilled ;)
PS look inside: Elnirat von Kärnten
/!\ duplicated the entire Charlemagne tree /!\ (disconnected)
I had already identified it, cut it, and reported it somewhere, in March 2023.
Now with a few hours with you it should be the last time I hope :)
Is Adelheid von Babenberg correct?
Adelheid von Babenberg should be born after her parent Adalbert I der Pious von Babenberg, Duke of Franconia
Tip: Correct the birth date of Adelheid von Babenberg (born 828) or Adalbert I der Pious von Babenberg, Duke of Franconia (born circa 870).
Aribo I von Ostmark, Graf im Traungau should be born after his parent Adelheid von Babenberg
Tip: Correct the birth date of Aribo I von Ostmark, Graf im Traungau (born 825) or Adelheid von Babenberg (born 828).
Source citation here for Fredeburg von Frommen
Tabelle §CCIII Ernestus I
Aribo I von Traungau, DUP TREE don't merge
Has many more children than Aribo I von Ostmark, Graf im Traungau
They are not dups
OK up here under 1000 they are all dead branches now,
I found single rope climbing >.<
* https://www.geni.com/list/ancestors/6000000186219591850#30
ramification to be studied in 1500 of Niklolaus I von Burghaus
I up here in the meantime would get away with cutting off DUP parents of Sighard I von Salzburggau und Chiemgau
whit note inside:
/!\ cut 3 times from an immense duplication of Charlemagne 's tree /!\
/!\ beware of all White Empty Unsourced Climbing: -https://www.geni.com/list/ancestors/6000000186219591850#30
NOT known son of Aribo I von Ostmark, Graf im Traungau
Source PLZ
is this somewhat a /!\ variant of :
-https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieghardinger#Stammbaum !?
Source PLZ