Agatha's profile notes lists all of her chldren and there is only one daughter named Susannah listed:
Susannah Terrell, b. May 30, 1752, d. December 08, 1828.
However, she has two daughters named Susannah connected to her:
This is the Susannah whose birth and death dates both match the daughter listed in Agatha's list of children. She was born and died in VA.
This is the other daughter connected named Susannah who has the same birth date but totally different death date Also, she was born in VA but died in KY.
The two women have different husbands, given the varying death dates, geographical locations at death and different husbands, they're clearly not the same woman.
I ended up here because a DNA match on Ancestry has Susannah who died 1828 in VA in their tree and have her as the daughter of Agnes and her husband David Terrell BUT they have her married to Hubbard Parker. So that makes yet another complication to the connections.
I'm related to all of Agnes and David's children because I'm a Terrell descendant, but I'm unable to determine what is the correct info for their daughter named Susannah since I'm seeing all these variable details.
Thanks in advance for any clarification / correction in sorting these connections so the pathways are correct.
Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 I think I got them straightened out, there were two Susannah's mixed.
Linda Zimmerman excellent!
I am not familiar enough to do much and hopefully Debbie Gambrell is and can get them ready for MP? That would certainly be a good outcome
Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 there more issues, but and I was going only on histories that I can undo, and reasonable dating of children.
Thanks to you both for putting other eyes on those connections. The cousin I'm collaborating with doesn't seem to use Geni so we're posting on Ancestry. She said she actually stopped working on her Parker lines in the past because of all the conflicting info mixing her line with the KY Parkers. For those who want to research these Parkers more, she recommended this book: The Parker Connection” Arthur Harry H McDonald that was recommended to her by another Parker descendant. I'm not related to these Parkers as far as I know, only the Terrells, and she posted me today that she doesn't think Susannah Terrell belongs in her tree. That sort of ends my collaboration on her lines because the only connection I would have had was the Terrell connection.