Matudan Mac Aeda, King of Ulster - Are These the Same Person?

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Monday, September 11, 2023
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Is this the same person?

Matudán Mac Aeda, King of Ulster

Thanks for any clarification

Sharon Doubell — these people are the same — the issue is that MedLands gives Matudan the one child, the son in the Master Profile — the daughter that is connected to the profile that you manage appears in the Wikipedia link you give — the footnote takes one to the citation of a translation of Bansenchas “The Lore of Women” done by Margaret Dobbs — I don’t have access to that text, but the Wikipedia citation shows that the info about the daughter is in a note to the text, and it’s not clear from what Wikipedia gives us where Dobbs go that information — it isn’t in Bansencas itself. Do you have anything else on this?

As it stands, it looks like we could connect them for now, with a note as to the difficulty, in curator’s notes and Overview.


I went to the daughter;s husband, and MedLands says specifically that his wife’s name is not known — Cellach "of the Hard Conflicts" MacCerbaill, king of Osraige

I’m loath to connect them, under these circumstances; what do you think?

If there is no documentation for the connections, I always prefer not to connect them because that gives speculative lineages. They can always be connected if validation is found later.

Thanks guys - I agree. Removing Echrad ingen Matudán Thank you for spotting.

{Anne I added a CN to your Matudan for myself, so I didn't lose the correct relationships while merging. Please remove if you think it's not needed.}

Anne and Sharon, thanks for your help with this.

Sharon Doubell -- of course you get to add CNs to profiles I curate!

And these connections are indeed confusing.


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