Charlemagne - So who is your nearest ancestor that is listed at Medieval Lands?

Started by Yoda of Dagobah on Tuesday, August 22, 2023
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Mine is Pierre de Bourbon-Busset "The Great Bastard", 17 generations up, died 1529.

Pierre de Bourbon-Busset "The Great Bastard"is my 1st cousin 17 times removed.

King Alfonso IX is my direct ancestor.

Apparently mine is Frances Plantagenet, daughter of Anthony (illegitimate son of Edward IV), through her second husband, Thomas Monck of Potheridge.

FRANCES. Her parentage and marriage are shown in Burke’s Dormant and Extinct Peerages. m firstly JOHN Basset, son of JOHN Basset & his wife Honora Grenville. m secondly THOMAS Monck of Potheridge, son of ---,%20Kings%201066-1603.htm#A...

Frances Plantagenet

I meant to say, "Arthur" Plantagenet (not Anthony).

Jan II the Peaceful, duke of Brabant and Limburg is my paternal and maternal 18th great grandfather

Charlemagne is my 33rd great grandfather.

He's my 36th ggf, but we used to call him grampa Carolus hahaha

He`,s my 29.great grandfater

Greetings. I don’t know the list of medieval lands. Thank you.

Hello again. Of the 3 profiles mentioned here the most direct ancestor is Charlemagne, my 31st great grandfather. Thank you

Maria Loreto Vargas, Medieval Lands is considered the bedrock source here at Geni.

Charlemagne is my 29th great grandfather.
Frances Plantagenet is my 13th cousin 8 times removed.
Pierre de Bourbon, Seigneur de l'Isle, Baron de Busset et de Puisagut is my 9th cousin 11 times removed.

Charlemagne is my 33rd great-grandfather, according to Geni.

Charlemagne is my 34th great grandfather
Frances Plnteganet is my 4th cousin 12 x removed
Pierre de Bourbon is my 5th cousin 15x removed

Karl der Große ist mein 31ter Urgroßvater. Charlemagne is my 31st great grandfather.
Adélaïde d'Aquitaine, reine des Francs, ist meine 29. Urgroßmutter. She is my 29th great grandmother.

He is my 34th Great Grand Father 💗

It means that you are all distant cousins to me! Some closer, some not.

Ulf, we are all descendants of Charlesmagne.

Charlemagne is my 35th great grandfather.

Martim Afonso Chichorro, governador de Chaves, is my 22th great grandfather.

He was the illegitimate son of the King of Portugal, Afonso III of Burgundy.

My last ruling ancestor on that list is my 10x great-grandfather Landgrave Wilhelm IV of Hesse-Kassel (1532-92).

Found another one.

Lady Mary Stafford, Baroness Abergavenny

MARY . m ([Jun] 1519) as his third wife, GEORGE Neville Lord Bergavenny, son of GEORGE Neville Lord Bergavenny & his first wife Margaret Fenne of Sculton Burdeleys, Norfolk ([1468/69]-1535, bur Birling, Kent).

(Mary Stafford and Frances Plantagenet were 3rd cousins, once removed.)

Yes. I am your King James. I rule the Universe. You are all under the Ancient Codes of Fraley. King James is King of Kings and holds the power of the Ancient codes of his people. He is the way, the only way to the Gates of Heaven.

I found Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, II señor de Hita y Buitrago and María de Castilla, señora de Cogolludo but I couldn't find their daughter Mécia Gonçalves de Mendoza

"DIEGO Hurtado de Mendoza, son of PEDRO González de Mendoza Señor de Hita & his third wife Aldonza de Ayala (1365-Guadalajara Jul 1404, bur San Francisco de Guadalajara). "Pedro González de Mendoza señor de Hita y Buitrago, mayordomo mayor del rey Juan I y doña Aldonza de Ayala su mujer" donated property to "su hijo primogénito Diego Hurtado de Mendoza almirante mayor de Castilla" by charter dated 14 Nov 1376[87]. Señor de Hita y Buitrago. Mayordomo mayor of Juan I King of Castile 1385-1 Mar 1389. Almirante mayor de la Mar 1393. "Diego Hurtado de Mendoza almirante de Castilla" granted "unas casas en Toledo a su prima doña Elvira Ayala, mujer de Fernán Álvarez de Toledo II señor de Oropesa" by charter dated 17 Aug 1400[88]. A charter dated 2 Dec 1404 records the division of property, after the death of "Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, almirante mayor de Castilla", between "doña Leonor de la Vega, madre y tutora de sus hijos Iñigo López de Mendoza después I marqués de Santillana, Hurtado de Mendoza, doña Elvira de la Vega señora de Feria y doña Teresa de Mendoza" and "doña Aldonza de Mendoza, después duquesa de Arjona, hija del primer matrimonio de dicho Diego"[89].

m firstly MARÍA de Castilla, illegitimate daughter of ENRIQUE II King of Castile & his wife his mistress Beatriz ---.

m secondly (before 1389) LEONOR de la Vega, daughter of GARCILASO de la Vega & his wife Menía de Cisneros Señora de Guardo. A charter dated 2 Dec 1404 records the division of property, after the death of "Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, almirante mayor de Castilla", between "doña Leonor de la Vega, madre y tutora de sus hijos Iñigo López de Mendoza después I marqués de Santillana, Hurtado de Mendoza, doña Elvira de la Vega señora de Feria y doña Teresa de Mendoza" and "doña Aldonza de Mendoza, después duquesa de Arjona, hija del primer matrimonio de dicho Diego"[90]. Señora de las casas de la Vega y Cisneros. "Doña Leonor de la Vega, mujer de Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, almirante mayor de Castilla, e hija de Garcilasso de la Vega, nieta de otro Garcilasso de la Vega y de doña Leonor de Cornado fundadores del monasterio de Santa Clara de Castrojeriz" donated property to the monastery by charter dated 30 Mar 1420[91].

Diego & his first wife had one child:

1. ALDONZA de Mendoza . A charter dated 2 Dec 1404 records the division of property, after the death of "Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, almirante mayor de Castilla", between "doña Leonor de la Vega, madre y tutora de sus hijos Iñigo López de Mendoza después I marqués de Santillana, Hurtado de Mendoza, doña Elvira de la Vega señora de Feria y doña Teresa de Mendoza" and "doña Aldonza de Mendoza, después duquesa de Arjona, hija del primer matrimonio de dicho Diego"[92]. m FADRIQUE de Castilla, son of PEDRO de Castilla & his wife Isabel de Castro ([1388]-Peñafiel 1430).

Diego & his second wife had children:

2. ÍÑIGO López de Mendoza . A charter dated 2 Dec 1404 records the division of property, after the death of "Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, almirante mayor de Castilla", between "doña Leonor de la Vega, madre y tutora de sus hijos Iñigo López de Mendoza después I marqués de Santillana, Hurtado de Mendoza, doña Elvira de la Vega señora de Feria y doña Teresa de Mendoza" and "doña Aldonza de Mendoza, después duquesa de Arjona, hija del primer matrimonio de dicho Diego"[93]. Marqués de Santillana. m CATALINA de Figueroa, daughter of ---. Íñigo & his wife had one child:

a) MENCÍA de Mendoza . m PEDRO Fernández de Velasco Conde de Haro, son of PEDRO Fernández de Velasco Conde de Haro & his wife Beatriz Manrique. Condestable of Castile 1473 to 6 Jan 1492.

3. HURTADO de Mendoza . A charter dated 2 Dec 1404 records the division of property, after the death of "Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, almirante mayor de Castilla", between "doña Leonor de la Vega, madre y tutora de sus hijos Iñigo López de Mendoza después I marqués de Santillana, Hurtado de Mendoza, doña Elvira de la Vega señora de Feria y doña Teresa de Mendoza" and "doña Aldonza de Mendoza, después duquesa de Arjona, hija del primer matrimonio de dicho Diego"[94].

4. ELVIRA de Mendoza . A charter dated 2 Dec 1404 records the division of property, after the death of "Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, almirante mayor de Castilla", between "doña Leonor de la Vega, madre y tutora de sus hijos Iñigo López de Mendoza después I marqués de Santillana, Hurtado de Mendoza, doña Elvira de la Vega señora de Feria y doña Teresa de Mendoza" and "doña Aldonza de Mendoza, después duquesa de Arjona, hija del primer matrimonio de dicho Diego"[95].

5. TERESA de Mendoza . A charter dated 2 Dec 1404 records the division of property, after the death of "Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, almirante mayor de Castilla", between "doña Leonor de la Vega, madre y tutora de sus hijos Iñigo López de Mendoza después I marqués de Santillana, Hurtado de Mendoza, doña Elvira de la Vega señora de Feria y doña Teresa de Mendoza" and "doña Aldonza de Mendoza, después duquesa de Arjona, hija del primer matrimonio de dicho Diego"[96]."

According to Geni, my nearest ancestor listed on Medieval Lands is Christian IV, king of Denmark and Norway, 9th great-grandfather (1577-1648). It is fascinating to find so many European connections. And yes, many of us are descended from Charlemagne.

While many ancestry researchers find multiple links to the same person, those connections are often widely separated within either their paternal or maternal side of the family. I was pleasantly surprised to find my first (and indirect) connection to Charlemagne was through my Great Grandfather's second wife. So in searching "closer to home" I find Charlemagne is my direct 34th Grandfather via my Grandmother. Lucky me.....where and when do I get my title?

Out of these, Charlemagne is, 33rd GGF

My 33rd Great Grandfather’ related to quite a few.
Is Charlemagne

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