this practice all around here, to click the quick emergency button "block all" ..but in white, without sources, a document, without a link, without a reference for years.. so much noob that it is no longer even annoying .. now it borders on rediculous :D
Primary sources available:
GUTIERRE Menéndez, son of HERMENEGILDO Gutiérrez & his wife Ermesinda Gatóniz (-933). "…Gutier Menendiz, Arias Menendiz, Flaginus Didaz…" subscribed the charter dated 5 Jun [892] under which Ranulfo Bishop of Astorga donated the church of Villanueva de Valdueza to San Pedro de Montes[346]. “...Sisegutus Petriz, Recemirus cognomenta Albofetæ, Guterius Menendiz...” confirmed the charter dated 3 Feb [912] under which King García I donated "castro...Fano" to the monastery of San Cipriano [de Valdesaz][347]. "…Lucidus Uimarani, Gutherre Menendiz, Gutherre Osoriz, Armentarius Siloni…" subscribed the charter dated 20 Jan 917 under which Ordoño II King of León donated “villis in territorio Gallecie...Cella Paruio et Paiaragio” to Santiago de Compostela[348]. "…Guter Osoriz, Guter Menendi, Arias Menendiz, Flaginus Didaz, Fredinandus Didaz…" confirmed the charter dated 24 Apr [918], probably spurious, under which "Ordonius rex et Giloria regina" donated el Coto de Valdueza to the monastery of San Pedro de Montes[349]. “Guttier Menendiz, Gutier Osoriz, Teton Lucidi, Arias Menediz...” confirmed the charter dated 18 May 919 under which King Ordoño II donated " montibus...Arbolis" to “Cixilano episcopo” and the monastery of San Cosme and San Damián[350]. "Garseani…rex…cum congugie mea Muma doma regina" donated certain the town of Mutarraf to Eslonza monastery by charter dated 13 May 923 (presumably misdated), confirmed by "Ranimirus, Urraca regina…Gutierre Memendiz, Sesebutus Petri…"[351]. Conde, he governed six counties in Galicia granted to him by Alfonso IV King of León[352]. "…Didacus Crenandiz, Gundisaluus Bettotiz, Guter Menendez comes, Gutier Osoriiz, Theudericus Lucidi, Tellus Bettotiz, Menendus Menendez, Scemenus Didaci, Sisandus Didaci" subscribed the charter dated 17 Sep 924 under which King Fruela II donated “conmisso de Montanos” to Santiago de Compostela[353]. A charter dated 23 Dec 927 records donations by “Gutier Menendiz comes…cum coniuge sua domna Ylduara” to the monastery of Santa María de Loyo and specifies that he was son of “domne Ermesende comitisse”[354]. King Alfonso IV donated “ ueica de Stola” to the monastery of San Cosme and San Damián by charter dated 15 Mar 930, confirmed by “...Titon Lucidi, Guttiher Menendiz, Pelagio Tetoni, Sarracenus Nunnizzi, Didaco Romanizzi...Guttiher Osoriz”[355]. His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 11 Mar 934 under which “Rudesindus episcopus, Munionem, Froilanem, Adosinda et Ermesinda” (her children) agreed the division of territories inherited from “avorum nostrorum Hermegildi et Ermesinde, Eroni et Adosinde”[356].
m ILDUARA Eriz, daughter of ERO Fernández & his first wife Adosinda --- (-958). A charter dated 23 Dec 927 records donations by “Gutier Menendiz comes…cum coniuge sua domna Ylduara” to the monastery of Santa María de Loyo, an interpolated document recording that “Ylduara cum filiis meis…Rudesindus episcopus, Munnio, Froila, Adosinda, Ermesinda” confirmed the donation for the soul of “nostro domno diue memoria domno Guttierre”[357]. Her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 11 Mar 934 under which “Rudesindus episcopus, Munionem, Froilanem, Adosinda et Ermesinda” (her children) agreed the division of territories inherited from “avorum nostrorum Hermegildi et Ermesinde, Eroni et Adosinde”[358].
Gutierre Menéndez & his wife had five children:
@Erica Howton & Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert here we are a couple of generations above the previous discussion
now I search wikipedia, and let's see where the extra wives come from,
for the moment I'm already reporting a couple of duplicate children.
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wiki of the father:
Munio (fl. 911–55), count, married his cousin Elvira Arias, daughter of count Arias Menéndez, Gutier's brother.[9]
One of their daughters, Goto Muñoz, was the wife of King Sancho Ordóñez.[10]