For a long time the R-BY118188 haplogroup has not been checked on (maybe a year or two) for this John Sewart to son Robert b1665 and then to his many sons including Samuel Stewart b1698 of the Susquehanna River valley in Pennsylvania arriving there in 1735. None of us apparently checked where the haplogroup BY118188 came from. Well, I did. I am a member and an administrator on for certain ydna pathways. I am also a member of the Royal Stewart Project on FT,
FTDNA now provides for us a new Discover search function in which we can input any haplogroup and it will show us when the haplogroup split off from its previous SNP haplogroup. I found the following for Samuel's haplogroup> His BY118188 was formed in about 1550. The next previous SNP haplogroup was R-BY127346 which was formed in about 1350. The next about 15 Haplogroups in succession going back in time, never do connect with any of the SNP pathways of the Royal Stewarts of Scotland. The Samuel line arrives in 150 BCE at haplogroup R-BY50055 which is not Royal Stewart. Therefore Samuel, his father Robert, and his father John born c1635 cannot descend from John Stewart b1612, his father Thomas b1590, or his father James (John) Stewart because the John-Thomas-James (John) line descends from the Lords of Ochiltree Stewarts which lead back to Robert Stewart the Duke of Albany, son of Robert II. There will need to be more currently living Stewarts descended from Samuel or his brother Hugh testing their BigY700 markers so that we can clarify what their circa 1350 year lineage is. Any comment or discussion from anybody on Geni,com? Also you can email me at