Beethoven’s genome was sequenced

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Сегодня в 11:36 до полудня

Beethoven’s genome, sequenced for first time, yields clues on cause of death
Composer had genetic predisposition to liver disease and hepatitis B infection.

Finally, sequencing DNA inevitably brings a few surprises—in this case, evidence that someone in Beethoven's paternal line had an extramarital affair that resulted in offspring. This finding is based on an analysis of DNA from Beethoven's modern relatives carrying the same name and recorded in genealogical records. Beethoven's Y chromosome doesn't match any of them. The authors think the affair likely occurred sometime between the conception of Hendrik van Beethoven around 1572 and when Ludwig was conceived seven generations later in 1770.

In fact, "You cannot rule out that Beethoven himself may have been illegitimate," Begg said during a press conference. "I'm not advocating that; I'm simply saying it's a possibility."

Krause added, "It could also be anywhere in the seven generations before."

DOI: Current Biology, 2023. 10.1016/j.cub.2023.02.041 (About DOIs).

Сегодня в 11:37 до полудня
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