I think that perhaps they’re not the same.
The father of Alix de Senlis
Bernard (Bormard) Comte de Senlis was born 919 in Somme, Picardy, France, and died AFT 965 in Senlis, Oise, Picardy, France. He married . He was the son of Pepin II de Vermandois Comte de Senlis.
The father of Bernard II, count of Senlis Bernard ll (875 - 927) has these notes:
Bernard ll de Senlis was an adherent of Hugh the Great. The name Bernard suggests a connection with the Counts of Vermandois (descended from Bernard of Italy) and Bernard of Senlis seems to have a Vermandois mother. A Count Bernard, probably Bernard of Senlis, was named in the Annales (923) as a consobrinus or cousin germain on the female side of Herbert II of Vermandois.