James Warrenne Sunderland - deep study of Freeland

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Lisa Minardi is executive director of Historic Trappe and the Lutheran Archives Center at Philadelphia. She is a Ph.D. candidate in the History of American Civilization program at the University of Delaware, where she is studying the German community of early Philadelphia for her dissertation. Her publications include numerous books and articles on Pennsylvania furniture, architecture, and folk art.
What is the Speaker’s House? Why is it being restored? How is it being restored? Why is this house important?

On Thursday, February 25, (2016) 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., join the Historical Society of Montgomery County and Lisa Minardi, Executive Director of The Speaker’s House, in a lively presentation about the ongoing research and restoration of this important historic site which was rescued from demolition in 2004.

The Speaker’s House was the historic home of Frederick Muhlenberg and is located in Trappe, Pennsylvania. Frederick Muhlenberg, the first Speaker of the U.S. House, played an important role in state and local government. When Montgomery County was formed in 1784, he was the first president judge, recorder of deeds, and register of wills.


Rev Dr. Heinrich "Henry" Melchior Muhlenberg
Hon. Rev. Frederic Muhlenberg, 1st Speaker of the House
Dr. James Diemer
Johannes Joseph Schrack, Jr.

Ms. Minardi is an assistant curator at Winterthur Museum and a Ph.D. candidate in the History of American Civilization program at the University of Delaware, where she is studying the Germans in colonial Philadelphia for her dissertation. She holds a B.A. in history and museum studies from Ursinus College and an M.A. from Winterthur Program in American Material Culture. She is also the author of numerous articles, exhibitions and publications.

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