John Bruce, Baron of Clackmannan - Incorrect Ancester

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Private User
Сегодня в 1:03 до полудня

John Bruce of Green is not the paternal line of the Bruce's, who can I speak too to correct this false information

Сегодня в 3:56 до полудня

Starting a discussion at the profile is the first thing. It will remain even after resolved in case it was a case of mistaken identity, or something else, that is commonly made.

Another thing you can do (since discussions aren't necessarily active), is to post to a Geni Project where people are active in sorting through conflicts and duplicates in the European Medieval period.

make sure to post a link to the profile (copy the page when on the main profile, and paste that web address into your posting.) A number of people active there have a lot of experience with older profiles and sources.

Private User
Сегодня в 4:29 до полудня

Thanks Dean

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