Joe Biden, 46th President of the USA is my 8th cousin 8 times removed.
→ Mary Lee Davis
your mother → Ida Lee Foor
her mother → Henry Lester Morgan
her father → Elias H Morgan
his father → Marial Jane Morgan
his mother → Elizabeth Young
her mother → Mary Ellen ‘Polly’ Stumpf
her mother → Sarah Cheshire
her mother → Samuel Cheshire
her father → Ann Cheshire (White)
his mother → Mary White (Worthley)
her mother → Elizabeth Worthley (Hance)
her mother → John I. Hance, II
her father → Sarah Hance
his mother → Richard Hall
her father → Elisha Hall
his father → Elizabeth Kingsbury
his sister → James Kingsbury, Jr.
her son → Elizabeth Pumphrey
his daughter → James Pumphrey
her son → Jane Eliza Robinette
his daughter → Pvt. George Hamilton Robinette, USA
her son → Mary Elizabeth Biden
his daughter → Joseph Robinette Biden, Sr.
her son → Joe Biden, 46th President of the USA
his son