The John Caldwell in this profile DID NOT have sons named Joshua, Henry, Andrew or Samuel, nor daughters named Catherine, Elizabeth, Mary, Isabella or Jane. Those children belong to a John Caldwell who died in 1747 Somersett County, MD who married Mary Orr.
John Rodgers (son of Wm. Rodgers & Margaret Caldwell) in an 1825 letter to his cousin Elias Caldwell in Washington, DC listed the children of John and Margaret (Phillips) Caldwell when he stated: "Our grandfather's children were Win. , Thomas, David & Margaret, John, Robert & James. "
John Rodgers as a nephew / grandson had first hand knowledge of his ancestry
John Rogers in his 1825 letter wherein he stated he was 79 years old wrote the following biographical sketch on his ancestry.
Our grandfather (John Caldwell who married Margaret Phillips) emigrated from Scotland to Ireland soon after King William's conquest of that place. Our grandfather John Caldwell was born in Ireland & was there married to a Margaret Phillips (our grandmother) He remained there till they had five children at which time he got three of his brothers-in law to come to America with him (to wit) Moor, Richey & Dudgeon. All of whom I well remember, & one brother- in-law who married his wife's sister whose name was Dougherty, grandfather of my wife and Thomas Dougherty formerly Clerk to the lower house of Congress and of course known to you. These set sail together and landed in Delaware the very day that King George the Second was proclaimed there. From thence they got up the country to a place in Pennsylvania then called Chestnut Level.
Our grandfather, naturally of an enterprising spirit, explored the country Southwesterly from a place in Virginia now Albermarle County to which he moved and was soon followed by all [of] his kindred. There he lived for some years; There our grandfather died and his oldest son and my mother, his only daughter, were married. They and their companions moved with him to Roanoke River and the fine lands there explored the country Westwardly till he and his followers fixed on a fine level watered spot not 30 miles outside any inhabitants to which place him and his sons and brothers-in-law moved about the year 1742/43.
They were soon after joined by other friends mostly from Ireland or Pennsylvania until they formed a little connected Settlement which was known and always called Caldwell Settlement for thirty years after. Our father was the first Justice of Peace and his oldest son the oldest militia officer that was ever appointed under King Geo 2nd.
Within 25 miles of that place in that neighborhood I was born and in it was married and had six children before I moved to Kentucky in the year 1781. Our grandfather's children were Win. , Thomas, David & Margaret, John, Robert & James. My father (William Rodgers) and grandfather (John Caldwell) both died in October 1750, just 14 days apart. My mother (Margaret Caldwell Rodgers) married a man by the name of James Mitchell. She had five children by each husband. Two of her daughters died in Virginia. The rest all came to Kentucky & have numerous families. Her son Robert (Rodgers) died in Kentucky. William, Thomas and David (his three Caldwell uncles) are all buried in the same graveyard with their father. David's widow and all the family moved to Kentucky. Uncle John went to South Carolina and died there. Uncle William's widow and all that family went also to So. Carolina. Our friend J.C. Calhoun is a son of the 2nd daughter of that family. I enjoy as good health as a man in his 79th year has any good reason to expect or look for, for which I ought to be very thankful to the Great Giver of all blessings
John Rodgers