I see some have been merged.
Looking to see what still needs sorted as pertains to the discussion of who is a duplicate--
I see this one is still showing as a duplicate but not exactly the same:
Bridgett Garland
Bridgett Garland
with a son Ezekiel "Big Zeke" Garland vs Ezekiel "Big Zeke" Garland
The other two children have little or no information so would be no problem to merge them. The mother of Bridget would need to be selected as the father Ezekiel Hampton has already been merged (thank you for that and for the MP flag on him) but Bridget's possible duplicate shows the other wife as mother so will need addressed as well.
https://www.geni.com/merge/view?revision_id=81642955030 was merged the day after I asked if they are the same and she now has too many parents so may need an umnerge?
And, I think LASTLY, Agathy Blevins is still coming up as a possible duplicate of the Agathy Blevins you MP'd. She has a different husband and a same named but different child. So they are obviously NOT the same. Does a woman by the name
Agnes Walling Blevins (Walden) actually exist and did she really marry a man named John William Blevins? I can reject the match as a duplicate but it will likely return.
Bridget Garland (Hampton)
Gender: Female
Birth: circa 1760
Granville County, North Carolina, Colonial America
Death: 1839 (74-83)
Red Hill, Mitchell County, North Carolina, United States
Place of Burial: Red Hill Cemetery, Mitchell County, North Carolina, United States
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Ezekiel Hampton; Jane Hampton (Griggs) and Virginia"Jennie" Jane Hampton
Wife of Pvt. William Gutridge Garland, I
Mother of Sarah Garland; David Garland; Jane Phillips (Garland); Ezekiel"Big Zeke" Garland; John William Thomas Garland; Elisha Garland; Jenny Garland; Isabel Biddy Garland; Solomon Garland; Samuel Gutridge Garland, Jr.; Bridget Stanley (Garland); Nancy Talitha Stanley (Garland); Delilah Garland; Luzana Garland; Stephen Joseph Garland; Mary Dorothy Garland; Isabel Emma Garland and Sarah Renfro (Garland) « less
Sister of Dorothy Jones (Hampton); Andrew Hampton; Jane Hampton; Ezekiel Hampton, II, of Jacks Creek; Mary Hampton; Noah Hampton; Preston Hampton; Delilah Honeycutt (Hampton); Tabitha Honeycutt (Hampton) and Phyllis Hampton « less
Merge is probably fine.
Here is the likely problem:
Johson Gutridge Garland
Gender: Male
Birth: September 29, 1810
Carter, TN, United States
Death: February 03, 1883 (72)
Limestone Cove, Carter, TN, United States
Immediate Family:
Son of Ezekiel Garland and Susannah Melinda Garland(Whitehead)
Husband of Susannah Melinda Garland (Whitehead)
Much better.
I'm done:
Bridgett Garland (Hampton)
Gender: Female
Birth: 1760
Granville County, North Carolina, Colonial America
Death: 1839 (78-79)
North Carolina, United States
Place of Burial: Old Garland Cemetery, Mitchell County, North Carolina, United States
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Ezekiel Hampton and Jane Hampton (Griggs)
Wife of Pvt William Gutridge Garland
Mother of David Garland; Jane Phillips (Garland); Ezekiel "Big Zeke" Garland; John William Thomas Garland; Elisha Garland; Sarah Renfro (Garland); Solomon Garland; Samuel Gutridge Garland; Bridget Stanley (Garland); Nancy Talitha Stanley (Garland); Delilah Garland; Stephen Joseph Garland and Mary Dorothy Garland « less
Sister of Dorothy Jones (Hampton); Andrew Hampton; Jane Hampton; Ezekiel Hampton, II, of Jacks Creek; Mary Hampton; Noah Hampton; Preston Hampton; Delilah Honeycutt (Hampton); Tabitha Honeycutt (Hampton) and Phyllis Hampton « less
Wife of https://services.dar.org/Public/DAR_Research/search_adb/default.cfm
DAR Accepted children: