James disavows Dorothy Pettis as his wife being separated the last 16 yeares in 1699. This means that no children have been born after 1683 to them!
And I wonder how he can get married to Martha Poel 1694, if Dorothy was still his wife in 1699? There is a records of 1699 where he says " my now wife Dorothy". Are there more James? One from England born 1653 (there is a church record) to James and Eme who married Martha Poel and the another one who was married to Dorothy? And there is another James born about 1676 who died in Maryland about 1742.
And the birthdate of Josias is not correct. There is a John Fucat born to a Peter Fucat/Fugate on 27 Feb 1689 in Maryland. So I think people changed the name from John to Josias and the year to make him the son of this James II.
Yes, there are multiple men named James who are found in records for the timeframe of 1651 - 1742. 1)James 1, who was married to Emaline Lambe 8 Jun 1651 - - 2) their son, James 2 b 18 Dec 1653, who came to America sometime in the 1660's at the latest (based on the will of John Cox in Essex/Old Rappahannock County). Later mentioned in the will (proved April 1675 in Rappahannock County, VA) of his mother's 3rd husband, Capatain Richard Loes. Loes leaves him his plantation in Maryland, gives him rights to live in the current plantation home, leaves him enough tobacco to sell and live on as well as plant spring tobacco and get on himself established financially. Later that year, late Nov 1675, James marries Dorothy Petty. There is a story behind the name change from Pettus to Petty - will tell that later. James and Dorothy go to Maryland about 1680 and he appears there in records for the first time in the 1681 will of his friend, Anthony Watson. Last time he is in the records of Baltimore County, MD is in 1685 when he and Dorothy mortgage their land. He left Dorothy and fled to Henrico County, with Martha Poel. He would later acknoweldge in Court in 1694 that he was a drunkard, the same year he married Martha Poel, also in Henrico County (have the marriage record). After they married, the couple moved on to Perquiman's Precinct NC which was part of VA at the time but had just began being referred to as Perquiman's Precinct - would later become Perquiman's County, NC. This James and Martha are recorded there as the parents of two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth b 1698 and 1699. Oddly enough, their marriage is also recorded there in Perquiman's Precinct but it states the marriage took place in Henrico County and names their parents - that's how e know it is the same James who was married to Dorothy and the same James who was son of James 1 and Emaline Lambe Fugate. I've found no record of any one of the four of them after the births of the two daughters. I will add this info about Dorothy,, now the wife of Godfrey Stanton/Staunton - their joint will of 1714, Essex County, makes no mention of any children. In fact, she leaves everything to her "beloved godson/nephew Thomas Wyatt", the son of her younger half-sister, Katherine Long Tunstall Wyatt and her 2nd husband Capt. Richard Wyatt. The fact that her supposed children were all still living in 1714 and she fails to include them in her will, tells me she had no children. I also have this will and will post it to Dorothy's page. - - 3) James of 1676 of Baltimore and Harford Counties, MD, who was paying the taxes in 1699, on the land Peter and Frances last lived on. This James and wife Ann are found in the parish records as parents of numerous children. The last time he is found in records in the 3 Lifetime leases for Land in My Lady's Manor - story about that land, too - The first of the 3 leases is signed and dated late November 1742. James is mentioned and is listed as 66 years of age - that's how his year of birth of 1676 was calculated.
AND, several of James' children are mentioned, as well as their age. About 2 weeks later, a new lease is written up and James' name is replaced by that of John Hooper - I've seen suggestions that James wife was Ann Hooper. At the time of James' death (his wife Ann is siad to have died a few months before him but I've found no proof of her date of death. James had minor children when he died an John was likely their guardian, as well as their relative. A year later in 1743, the leases are renewed - the two eldest sons. James and Peter, are no longer on the lease (they were of the right age to have been apprenticed but I've found no record of such in records in the Maryland State Archive). I've found a photo and a story about the old Fugate Slavehouse and it has been dated to the 1760's. It is in the process of being restored. This farm was later sold to the Sparks family and they were the ones who owned the slaves who were housed in this stone cottage. Will share the link to the story and the photo. While only one of James and Ann's children remained there in what is now Harford County, MD - the area that is now the Aberdeen Proving Ground and the area called Spesutie Island, most moved on to PA and Ohio. https://www.themanorconservancy.org/manor-history#Fugate