Two researchers spent 3 years tracing a Goblet that has been in the Basilica of Spain, tracing it back to Jerusalem. They believe the goblet is actually the Holy Grail of Jesus Christ.
The Goblet was a gift to Queen Urraca of Spain, now located in the Basilica.
The book, "Kings of the Grail" reveals these details.
I believed she was my ancestor but apparently she is not.
Do not know what story to believe anymore 😕
Methuselah live 969 years ; that is in one of the bestselling novels ever. He was the son of Enoch that did not come from Paradise so where was he from ?
How big was his grandson Noah's ship / Ark to hold pairs of every species on earth -----
Even the existence of the Holy Grail and what it could be is a myth.
It is highly unlikely as everything fell apart shortly after. His disciples panicked as they were being hunted down denying any involvement of jesus. They wouldn't want anything remotely involved with him at that point. They didn't change they're tune until after the deed was done. Perhaps the unsung disciple Mary? As the wealthy males who comprised the council of Nicaea made sure to wipe clean any evidence of her. Also ridding themselves of the pesky early christians who lived a communal life as was the example of jesus. Who could profit from people who lived that way. Giving way to the disguised business that became, its our way or hit the highway, regimented christian church we finance still to this day. Reliquaries attracted pilgrims from miles around who gave their meager offerings this creating a financial empire. They were good for business.
Hello Cousins,
Amazing. Why not? Anyway I enjoy any interesting information about the Holy Grail. It is always a pleasure reading literature and beliefs about the Holy Graill. It can also mean a womb… The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, by Margaret Starboard, for example…
By the way, Urraca is my 22nd great grandmother, through her relationship (love affaire) with her lover, Cde Pedro Gonzalez, Conde de Lara and their son, Fernán ‘Furtado' Perez de Lara, señor de Escarrona. How romantic!! and unusual.
Kind regards, Loreto
Strangely enough, Urraca is (according to Geni) my 26th great grandmother, and Maria Loreto Vargas, Ms you are my 20th cousin.