George Washington, 1st President of the United States is my second cousin 9 times removed.
→ Mary Lee Davis
your mother → Arthur Vearl Foor
her father → Eva Viola Foor
his mother → Luella B Ingram
her mother → William Henry Harrison Rush
her father → David Rush
his father → Jeremiah Rush
his father → Michael Rush, Sr.
his father → Peter Rush, Sr.
his father → Elizabeth Letitia Rush
his mother → Elizabeth Lewis
her mother → Mildred Gale
her sister → Captain Augustine Washington
her son → George Washington, 1st President of the United States
his son
George Washington, 1st President of the United States is your 8th cousin 7 times removed. He is also Kate Middleton's 8th Cousin, 8 times removed. Our Common ancestor is
Margaret Percy Gascoigne
Birth 1447
Death 4 Mar 1487 (aged 39–40)
All Saints Churchyard
Harewood, Metropolitan Borough of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
Plot Nave.
Memorial ID 55118507 on Find a Grave.
Hi Rachel I too am related to George Washington and you also. Which kind of verifies our relationship to George.
You→Edmund Burkyour father\Josephine Viola Burk
his mother→Isaac Priceher father Margaret Price his mother→
Robert Van Metreher father→Joseph Van Metre his father→Abraham Van Metre
his father→Abraham Van Meter, Sr. his father→John 'The Indian Trader' Van Meter his father→
Sarah van Meter his mother→Louis DuBois, The Patentee her father
→Chrétien Maximillien du Bois his father→Antoine Louis du Bois de Fienes, Greffier receveurde Coupigny his father→Louis du Bois de Fienes his father→Antoine du Bois de Fiennes, Seigneur de Vermelles his father→Claudine de Lannoy, dame de Noyelles-les Annequin his mother→Jean IV de Lannoy, seigneur de Maingoval her father→Jean de Lannoy, seigneur de Maingoval his father→Antoine de Lannoy, seigneur de Maingoval his father→
Jeanne de Croÿ his mother→Guillaume I, Seigneur de Croÿ her father→Marie de Picquigny
his mother→Jeanne de Brienne her mother→Beatrice (Beatrix) de Châtillonher mother→
Mathilde van Brabant her mother→Blanche of Artois
her daughter→Henry of Lancaster her son→Mary of Lancaster, Baroness Percy his daughter→
Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland her son→Sir Henry "Hotspur" Percy
his son→Sir Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland his son→Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland his son→Lady Margaret Gascoigne
his daughter→Elizabeth Tailboys her daughter→Lady Anne Dymoke her daughter Frances Windebank her daughter→Mildred Readeher daughter→Col. George Reade, Esq., Acting Gov.
her son→Mildred Warner his daughter→Elizabeth Lewis her daughter→Elizabeth Letitia Rush
her daughter→Peter Rush, Sr.her son→Michael Rush, Sr. his son→Jeremiah Rush his son→
David Rush his son→William Henry Harrison Rush his son→Luella B Ingram his daughter→
Eva Viola Foor her daughter→Arthur Vearl Foor her son→Mary Lee Davis his daughter→
Rachal Bhnay Davis her daughter
You are my 24th cousin once removed.
I can’t find parents for either Constance Austin or her husband Thomas Austin
So they are now “orphaned” - hopefully they can be found.
I’m related through my great grandmother Margaret Martha French
George Washington, 1st President of the United States
George Washington, 1st President of the United States is your 7th great aunt's niece's husband's half brother.
→ Marion Joan Mills
your mother → Joan Winifred Granger
her mother → Maud Florence Light
her mother → Florence Ada Sarah Harriet Hogan
her mother → Harriet Chew Pope
her mother → John Lee
her father → Governor Thomas Sim Lee
his father → Thomas Lee
his father → Richard Lee, Esq.
his brother → Grace Lee
his wife → Ann Aylett
her sister → Anne Washington
her daughter → Colonel Augustine Washington, II
her husband → Captain Augustine Washington
his father → George Washington, 1st President of the United States
his son Consistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
Shortest blood relationship
George Washington, 1st President of the United States is your 10th cousin 11 times removed.
→ Marion Joan Mills
your mother → George Anthony Granger
her father → Ernest Anthony Granger
his father → Alice Maud Mary Granger
his mother → Jane baker (Armstrong) - died in Wandsworth workhouse
her mother → Mary W Armstrong
her mother → John Bell
her father → Anne Bell
his mother → Daniel Sims
her father → Lancelot Sims
his father → John Sims
his father → William Sims
his father → Anne Sims
his mother → John Orseur Brisco, Lord of Crofton
her father → William Brisco, Lord of Crofton
his father → Phyllis Ann Brisco
his mother → William Musgrave, Esq., MP of Hayton
her father → Elizabeth Musgrave
his mother → Elizabeth Dacre
her mother → Elizabeth Greystoke
her mother → Lady Catherine Grey, Countess of Kent
her mother → Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland
her brother → Lady Margaret Gascoigne
his daughter → Elizabeth Tailboys
her daughter → Lady Anne Dymoke
her daughter → Frances Windebank
her daughter → Mildred Reade
her daughter → Col. George Reade, Esq., Acting Gov.
her son → Mildred Warner
his daughter → Mildred Gale
her daughter → Captain Augustine Washington
her son → George Washington, 1st President of the United States
Abit like HARRY POTTER film!!