On Nov. 26, 2009 Jacob Jehudah Rosenberg, Toba Fine, Isaac Rosenberg, David Rosenberg, Hirsh Rosenberg, Shimon Rosenberg, Mayer Rosenberg, Zorach Rosenberg, and Max Rosenberg Bloom were each imported to the tree by Ryan Shell
This accounts for Jacob and Toba and all 7 of their children mentioned in Toba's obits.
So they were all on Geni by Nov. 26, 2009.
On Dec 16, 2012 Dinah Berch added Isaac Rosenberg to the tree, and added Jacob Yehuda Rosenberg as Isaac Rosenberg's parent, and. added Toby Rosenberg as Jacob Yehuda Rosenberg's spouse -- and added David Rosenberg, Hirsh Rosenberg, Meyer Rosenberg, Zarach Rosenberg, and Max Bloom (Rosenberg) to the tree as sibling of Isaac or one of Isaac's siblings.
So this was Jacob and Toby and 6 of the 7 children mentioned on Toby's obits -- all but Shimon / Simon.
And on this date she also added Khassa Rozaitsky as Max Bloom (Rosenberg)'s sister -- this is the first time Khassa was added to Geni.
Those two versions of Jacob and Toba were merged on July 12, 2017
That David Rosenberg; Harris (Hirsh) (Rozaitsky) Rosenberg; Simon Rosenberg; Mayer (Rozaitsky) Rosenberg; ; Samuel / Zorach (Rozaitsky) Rosenberg; and Isaac Rosenberg (as they now appear) are the sons of Jacob and Toba Rosenberg is clear from Toba's obit and their relationship is confirmed in other obits and documents.
It is also clear from Toba's obit and that of some of her sons that there was a son Max living in Chicago. Max (Mordechai) (Blum or Rosenberg) Bloom (as he now appears) is a Max who was living in Chicago at the right time, and his father's name on Max's Gravestone is right for Jacob. So there is at least circumstantial evidence that Max Bloom is their son.
For Khassa Rozaitsky, there is a Death Record from Cekiske in Kaunas, the Details of which are in JewishGen and, a photo of the original in FamilySearch,.
It was not until November 3, 2019 that Herbert (MSB) Bloom was added to Geni.
I have been working on the descendants of Jacob and Toba Rosenberg for the past couple of months.
I have not been able to find any evidence for Herbert Bloom being a child of Jacob and Toba Rosenberg.