Osbeorn - Dates and Plausibility

Started by Private User on Wednesday, October 13, 2021
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Osbeorn died July 27, 1054.
Mother Ælflæd's MP show her birth circa 1031.
IF Ælflæd gave birth to Osbeorn at age 14, that would make Osbeon about 10-years-old when battled and died on 27 July 1054.
It's probably wise to enter her circa birth year to be the same as showing for Siward -- circa 1020.

I've removed Ælflæd 's birth date altogether as I see no sources to support even guesses.

Osbeorn is portrayed as a young boy in Shakespeare's Macbeth - and part of his theme of sons of fathers that showed up Macbeth's own childlessness. Both Banquo and Macduff's sons as young boys feature prominently in the play. So ten years old is just barely feasible in these terms; but there is no good reason to imagine that Shakespeare was using anything but creative licence here - so I've removed.

Thanks for the headsup

Osbeorn is my 27th great uncle.

Osbeorn is my 27th great uncle

.Ælflæd is my 27th great grandmother.

Osbeorn is my 28th great uncle.

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