I could not find any lists on google, but Jennifer Potter's 2019 book, The Jamestown Brides: The Story of England's "Maids for Virginia," might be a good place to look. From a review in The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography: "The Jamestown Brides tells the women's stories: who they were, where they lived, where they stood socially, who recruited them, why they signed up, and what befell them in Virginia."
The NYPL has a downloadable audiobook, I'll take a listen and see if I can work up a list from it.
Looks like Ancient Planter Adria Hoare was a Jamestown Bride.
I just recently was approved as a member of the Jamestowne Society. I had made application with Edward Gurganey as my qualifying ancestor. But the papers came back with notations that the there is doubt that Edward Gurganey had a daughter, Adria. I was instead approved under Capt Thomas Harris, Burgess. In fact the society's verifying genealogist, Lyndon Hart, had written an article dealing with the subject of Adia. [see Mag. of Virginia Gen., Vol 34 Winter 1996 No 1 P51ff]. Essentially it argued that Adry, wife of Thomas Harris, was actually Audry Hoare, a maiden who came to Virginia aboard the ship Marmaduke in August 1621. She was born at Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, bp 28 Aug 1604. Her parents were Thomas Hoare and Julyan Tripplett. My genealogist, Paul Reed, has researched this further and says, "This is the ONLY Audry among the list of women to be transported to Virginia on the Marmaduke bound for Virginia in August 1621 [it arrived in November 1621]. Her age matches the age of Adria, wife of Thomas Harris."
Adria (Hoare) Harris, Ancient Planter
A couple more names from the Marmaduke 1621:
This is a great resource book, by the way.
Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers, 1607-1635: A Biographical Dictionary
By Martha W. McCartney Page 300.
Here we are!
"Nicholas Ferrar listed most of the women sent to Virginia in 1621 aboard the ships Marmaduke, Warwick and Tiger. They included such typically English names as Lettice King, Joane Haynes, Anne Rickard or Richards, Elizabeth Grinbey, Allice Burges, Allice Goughe, Ann Tanner and Allice Grove."[31]
Arrived Jamestown May 1620:
Jonathan (Category: Jonathan, sailed 1620 & maybe Category: Jonathan, sailed 1609-1620, Category: Jonathan, sailed 1619)
London Merchant (Category: London Merchant, sailed 1619, Category: London Merchant, sailed 1619-1621, & maybe Category: London Merchant, sailed 1620)
Sailed from London August 1621:
Marmaduke (Category: Marmaduke, sailed 1621)
Departed "the Thames" mid-September 1621:
Warwick (Category: Warwick, sailed 1620-1621, Category: Warwick, sailed 1620, Category: Warwick, sailed 1621, Category: Warwick, sailed 1622)
Tiger, Tyger (Category: Tyger, sailed 1621, Category: Tyger, sailed 1622, Category: Tyger, sailed 1623)
The marriageable women aboard these ships might be found on compiled passenger lists of different dates, as the lists are compiled based on dates of arrival given in the 1624/5 muster, and multiple dates for the same voyage are sometimes found there. It should also be noted that compiled passenger lists show a woman's married name at the time of the 1624/5 muster, which was not necessarily the name she had when she sailed.
Jonathan (1620)
Counting passengers aboard both the Jonathan and the London Merchant, 90 women sent.[28] Following are women shown as having arrived aboard the Jonathan in the 1624/5 muster.[32]
I*dye Halliers, a maid servant to Robert ffisher[32]
London Merchant (1620)
Counting passengers aboard both the Jonathan and the London Merchant, 90 women sent.[28] Following are women shown as having arrived aboard the London Merchant in the 1624/5 muster.[33]
Marmaduke (1621)
Twelve women sent aboard the Marmaduke, sailed August 1621 (one widow and eleven maids), four of them can be found in the 1624/25 Jamestown Muster.[28][34]
Warwick (1621)
Counting passengers aboard both Warwick and the Tiger, 38 women sent.[28] Following are women shown as having arrived aboard the Warwick in the 1624/5 muster.[37]
Tiger (1621)
Counting passengers aboard both the Warwick and the Tiger, 38 women sent.[28]