What evidence that Eupheme MacRuaridh (Macruari) and John MacDonald, Lord of the Isles had more children than the three boys *John *Godfrey *Ranald? (cf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_of_Islay,_Lord_of_the_Isles)? Cawley only thinks there is proof for John (http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SCOTTISH%20NOBILITY.htm#AngusIslesd...)
Disconnecting these children, pending sources: Hugh MacDonald, Thane of Glen Tilt , Margaret MacDonald , Mary MacDonald , Mary MacDonald ,
The clan Donald
States that John "the good of Isla" and Amy had 8 sons.
1- John
2- Reginald or Randall
3- Godfrey
4- Donald, the successor,
5- John Mor Tanistear
6- Angus
7- Alexander was known as Alastair Carrach
8- Hugh whos ancestor name changed to McIntoshes
This is just a list of Amy's sons. Amy was John's 2nd wife. There are other children listed for John to include a natural son named Donald, a hostage in the hands of the king. And 2 daughters Mary and Margaret. John's family by his 1st wife cut off from succession to the lordship of the Isles.
John remarries Margaret Stewart, Princess of Scots after divorcing Amy - Those children are mostly hers:
a) JOHN Macdonald of the Isles (-before 30 Mar 1373). m as her first husband, ELLEN Campbell, daughter of ARCHIBALD [Gillespie Campbell] & his [second] wife [Isabel Lamont] (-after 1434). She married secondly Duncan Earl of Lennox. Lord John & his second wife had eight children:
b) DONALD Macdonald (-Ardtornish, Morven [1423][1393]). He succeeded his father in 1387 as Lord of the Isles. He claimed the Earldom of Ross, de iure uxoris, and fought the battle of Harlaw in 1411 to enforce his rights. m MARY Leslie Ctss of Ross, daughter of WALTER Leslie & his wife Eupheme Ctss of Ross (-[1435]). Donald & his wife had one child:
c) JOHN "Ian Mor Tanisteir" (-1427). m MARJORIE Bisset, daughter of HUGH Bisset & his wife ---.
d) ALEXANDER "Alastair Carrach" . m ---.
e) ANGUS .
f) HUGH . Thane of Glentilt. m ---.
h) MARY . m LACHLEAN Maclean of Duart.
i) ELIZABETH . m (contract 8 Jan 1401) ANGUS Duff Mackay of Strathnaver, son of ---.
Marriage and issue
By his first wife Amie, he had the following:
John, married Ellen, daughter of Gillespic Campbell.
Ranald, d. 1386, married a daughter of Walter Stewart, Earl of Atholl.
By his second wife Princess Margaret, he had the following:
Domhnall of Islay, Lord of the Isles, d. 1423, married Mary, daughter of Sir Walter Leslie.
John Mór Tanister, d. 1427, married Marjorie Bisset, daughter of Sir Hugh Bisset.
Alastair Carrach, d. c. 1440, married Mary, daughter of Malcolm, Earl of Lennox.
Agnes, married Sir John Montgomerie of Ardrossan. They had a son, Alexander Montgomerie, 1st Lord Montgomerie.
Hugh. Thane of Glentilt.
Mary, married Lachlan Maclean of Duart.
Elizabeth, also known as Margaret, married Angus Du Mackay, 7th of Strathnaver.
Family Iain (John) 'the Good' MacDonald, 7th Lord of the Isles, b. 1326, d. 1387 (Age 61 years)
Alt. Marriage Aft Jun 1350 [3, 4, 5]
Married 1358 [7]
+ 1. Agnes MacDonald, of the Isles, d. Yes, date unknown
+ 2. Donald MacDonald, of Harlaw, 8th Lord of the Isles, d. 1423
+ 3. John Mhor ('Iain Mhor Tanistair') MacDonald, of Duniveg and Glyns, b. Abt 1370, d. 1427 (Age ~ 57 years)
+ 4. Elizabeth (Margaret) MacDonald, b. Bef 1380, d. Yes, date unknown
5. Hugh MacDonald, of Glentilt, b. Bef 1380, d. Dsp - Died Without Children. Find all individuals with events at this location
6. Angus MacDonald, d. Yes, date unknown
7. Marcus MacDonald, d. Yes, date unknown
+ 8. Margaret MacDonald, d. Yes, date unknown
+ 9. Alexander (Alasdair Carrach) MacDonald, 1st of Keppoch, b. Bef 1380, d. Abt 1443 (Age ~ 63 years)
With the sources listed as
[S474] Colquoun_Cunningham.ged, Jamie Vans.
[S73] Burke's Landed Gentry 2001, Peter Beauclerk Dewar,, (2001.).
[S101] Burkes Landed Gentry 1937, (1937), p1457.
[S102] Wanda Thacker, Wanda Thacker, (http://wandathacker.50megs.com/custom3.html).
[S67] Macdonald genealogy, Roddy Macdonald of the Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh, (http://www.clandonald.org.uk/genealogy.htm), genealogy/d0004/g0000028.html#I0052.
[S7] E-mail, From Don Thompson rec: 12 Dec 2012 MacFarlane information f rom Bruce MacFarlane: http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ances try.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=mygrtgrt & the Andersons from Ma bel Manz : http://madcitydon.com/candacraig/mabel_manz.ht ml.
[S67] Macdonald genealogy, Roddy Macdonald of the Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh, (http://www.clandonald.org.uk/genealogy.htm), genealogy/d0004/g0000050.html#I0045.
Regarding other web pages as sources: See https://www.geni.com/projects/Working-with-sources/18201 regarding primary sources.
PS Thanks for interest and contributions - it's great when managers actually get involved.