The Overview for Gerhard cites https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(UPPER)%20NOBILITY....
It states Gerhard was the son of either of RICHARD Graf von Metz (-after 982), or his brother GERHARD and m. Eva de Luxembourg
This citation does not match what is in the Profile, which states he is the Son of Eberhard IV, count in Nordgau and Luitgarde of Treves and Husband of Hedwige de Namur and Luitgarde Unknown
The citation should be removed as it does not match/support the profile - both parents and wife are different.
I have tried to figure out what is correct, but may have my Gerhard's confused.
This Gerhard's GENI profile lists Hugo "Raucus" as his brother. I found no evidence given in MedLands that Gerhard and Hugo are brothers, or that Gerhard Son of Eberhard IV, count in Nordgau and Luitgarde of Treves m. Eva de Luxembourg
His profile states he is the Son of Eberhard IV, count in Nordgau and Luitgarde of Treves.
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eberhard_IV_de_Nordgau lists six children for Eberhard, but under Notes and references it states, "According to Michel Parisse Nobility and chivalry in medieval Lorraine Publications University of Nancy, Nancy 1982 ( ISBN 2864801272 ) genealogical table "Les Etichonides" p. 89 and Fmg.ac (see below) he (Hugues) is the only child of Eberhard IV"
https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ALSACE.htm#_Toc508299220 states they had one son Hugo [VII] "Raucus."
However, there are a number of web sites that add additional children, such as,
EBERHARD IV earl (925-973)
Liutgarde de Bidgau (915-974)
(their children are)
->Hedwige (937-992) (Sigefroid, count of Luxembourg) * (FOLLOW HER) *
Hugues II
Hugues, monk
Gerard, count of Metz * (IGNORE HIM) *
Adelaide (-1037) (Henry of Carinthia)
Following the above Hedwige (937-992) who married Sigefroid, count of Luxembourg
SIGEFROID count (922-998)
Hedwig of Nordgau (937-992)
(their children are)
Henry I
Frederick I, count of Moselgau
Giselbert I, count of Moselgau (950-1004)
Thierry, bishop of Metz (-1047)
Adalbéron, archbishop-prince of Trier (-1015)
Sainte Cunégonde (-1040) (Henry II the Saint, emperor)
-> Eve (Gérard de Nordgau, count of Alsace) (966-1024) * * (HERE WE HAVE Eve MARRIED TO Gerard!) * *
Luitgarde (962-1005) (Arnulf I the Great, count of West-Frisa)
Irmtrud, nun
Girl (Thietmar)
A similar pedigree is found on Wikipedia.
Eberhard IV Nordgau (died December 18, 972/973) married Luitgarde,[1] daughter of Wigeric of Lotharingia and Cunegonde. They had the following issue:
Hugues II of Nordgau, Count of Nordgau
Adalbert of Alsace
Hughes, monk at Altorf
Adelaide, married as first wife to Henry of Speyer, parents to Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor
-> Hedwig married to Siegfried of Luxembourg, parents of St. Cunegonde ** (FOLLOW HEDWIG) **
Hedwig of Nordgau (c. 922 – after 993) was the wife of Siegfried of Luxembourg,
-> Hedwig of Nordgau's children included: Eva, married count Gerard of Elzass
Perhaps it was not Gerard who was a child of Eberhard and Luitgarde, but his wife's mother Hedwig.
The pedigree might be Gerhard married Eve/Eva, who was the daughter of Siegfried of Luxembourg and Hedwig of Nordgau. Hedwig was the daughter of Eberhard IV and Luitgarde, daughter of Wigeric of Lotharingia and Cunegonde.
There is another profile on Geni that follows this pedigree. Wish I had found it before I did all this work.
Gerhard im Nordgau, Graf von Egisheim
Anyone have an opinion on the family of Gerhard?
We might have duplicate Liutgards and Eberhards, or confusions.
But it looks like Liutgard married Adalbert, Count of Metz, and then Eberhard.
Later counts of Metz are presumably descended from the first marriage.
So we'll get closer by switching Gerhard's parents to be the same Liutgard with the other husband. That will take a lot of clutter out of the picture.
It still won't be right, but the Counts of Metz get very messy round here.
By the dates, this profile doesn't look like Gerard III, it looks more like the possible younger brother of Richard.
Looking at Luitgarde of Treves, the two husbands called Eberhard are not the same man. But she only married one of them. It's two alternative theories about who she married.
Going to one of the husbands, Eberhard IV, count in Nordgau, his other wife Luitgarde von Nordgau seems to represent a theory that his wife Liutgard, if he had one, was a daughter not a widow of the Metz family. No idea where that's coming from - could be just internet confusion.
Her supposed father Gottfried von Metz, Pfalzgraf von Lothringen is a duplicate of Count Gerard's son Gottfried von Metz, Pfalzgraf von Lothringen
Which means that Mother of Gottfried von Metz turns out to be none other than [Oda von Sachsen of Saxony, Queen of Lorraine and East Francia
http://www.manfred-hiebl.de/genealogie-mittelalter/matfride/gerhard... This site cites a number of sources about Gerhard, but I don't read German.
The following is the Google translation of the site.
Gerhard Graf von Metz
965-28.12.1024 / 25
Son of Count Richard von Metz and his wife of unknown name
Through his sister Adelheid uncle of Emperor KONRAD II.
Lexicon of the Middle Ages: Volume IV Column 1310
Gerhard I. (Count of Alsace), Count in Metz around 1000-1020
Brother of Adalbert and Adelheid , the wife of Heinrich von Worms, the father of King KONRAD II. The father of the 3 siblings is unknown (according to E. Hlawitschka's suggestion, a Count Richard ). Count Adalbert von Metz (+ 944) and thus the MATFRIDE-ADALHARDE family are undoubtedly one of the ancestors .
Gerhard I was married to Eva , daughter of Count Siegfried von Luxemburg;
2 children:
Siegfried (+ 1017) and Berscinda, abbess of Remiremont.
At the end of the 10th century (around 985-990?) Gerhard received the Bailiwick of the Imperial Abbey of Remiremont, which represented a considerable gain. The exchange of Lorraine goods (Goncourt, south of Neuchateau) for possessions of St-Benigne (Dijon) in Italy in 1020 shows that Gerhard I had possessions in the upper Meuse valley. During the Luxembourg feud, like Bishop Theoderich II of Metz and Archbishop Adalbero of Trier, he was a bitter opponent of HEINRICH II. He is referred to in the annals of St-Benigne as 'Count of Metz'.
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Winfrid Glocker: VII, 92; Page 332
"The relatives of the Ottonians and their importance in politics"
Gerhard ("Mosellensis)
+ (1020/21) / 1033 on XII 28
Count of Metz attests 1012-1020 / 21
oo Eva, daughter of Count Siegfried of Luxemburg
+ IV 19
The Alsatian counts Gerhard and Adalbert are siblings of Adelheid , the mother of Emperor KONRAD II , with Wipo in the Gesta Chounradi c. 2, p. 15 f., Testifies; the filiation of these siblings was shown by Hlawitschka, Beginnings pp. 135-147. See ibid. Pp. 86-90 on the individual sources for Count Gerhard .
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Gerhard has been in opposition to Emperor HEINRICH II since the uprising of the Luxembourg brothers who were related to him .and Duke Gottfried of Lower Lothringen. He and his followers invaded the lands of Duke Gottfried in August 1017 and was defeated on August 27, 1017. He then made peace because his only son Siegfried had died in captivity in 1017.
Eduard Hlawitschka: Page 52
"Studies on the abbess series of Remiremont"
Earlier, Count Gerhard had to be mentioned alongside Gisla. He can perhaps be identified with the Count of Metz, who was married to Eva from the family of the Counts of Luxembourg, who troubled the Senones monastery around the year 1000 and who later played an important role in the so-called Moselfehde (1008-1017); but this is by no means certain.
Stefan Weinfurter: Page 63,69,194
"Heinrich II. (1002-1024) Ruler at the End of Times"
In Alsace, where Strasbourg was the center of the Conradinian ducal rule , HEINRICH II transferred the county authority to a relative, Count Gerhard .
The already mentioned Count Gerhard von Alsace , who was married to Eva , a sister of the Queen, distinguished himself as a party member of the king . The county, once in the hands of the Swabian Duke, had recently been entrusted to him by the new king. When he was now besieging a castle of the Swabian duke, the castle crew had managed to use a trick to steal the flag lance attached to the count's tent and bring it to the castle. But that was precisely the lance through which Gerhard was the fief had been transferred. From the battlements of the castle the count, who had been robbed of his dignity, was now shed scorn and ridicule. "In vain", Thietmar concludes this episode, "the count initially tried to get the lance back with enticing promises. They refused to surrender it, and he had to leave without a fief or standard." His whole honor, prestige and dignity were ruined.
Another sister, Eva , was married to Gerhard von Ober-Lothringen before 1000 .
Erkens, Franz-Reiner: page 23,35
"Konrad II. Rule and empire of the first Salier emperor."
Otto's eldest son Heinrich married Adeheid , the daughter of Count Richard von Metz . Adelehid's brothers were Count Adalbert von Saargau and Gerhard von Metz . Through this marriage, the SALIER tied their threads more strongly into Lorraine. The Adelheids family were among the most distinguished in the duchy and, later referred to as House CHATENOIS , provided the dukes of Upper Lorraine from 1046.
It is therefore not surprising to find KONRAD on August 27, 1017 as an ally of a passionate opponent of the emperor: Count Gerhard. This, the brother of KONRAD's mother, had increasingly become the real leader of the resistance in the long-running Moselle feud that HEINRICH II led with his brothers-in-law from LUXEMBURG to occupy the Trier Erzstuhl since 1008. The remains of the crumbling opposition to the ruler gathered around him in 1017, after the LUXEMBURGERS themselves had already embarked on the path of compromise with their imperial brother-in-law. Gerhard's opponent in August 1017 was not the ruler himself, but the Duke Gottfried I of Lower Lorraine, who was appointed by him in 1012 and who came from the Verdun line of the ARDENNERGRAFENHAUS. Had to the decisive battleGerhard evidently mobilized all available forces, but he still lost his great fight. He himself saved freedom and life, but his only son Siegfried fell seriously wounded into the hands of the enemy and died in captivity. His nephew KONRAD was also wounded, but managed to escape.
oo Eva von Luxemburg, daughter of Count Siegfried
- 1017
Berscinda Abbess of Remiremont
-14.5. before 1052
The Salians and the Empire, ed. Stefan Weinfurter, Jan Thorbecke Verlag 1991, Volume I, page 384,481 - Eduard Hlawitschka: Investigations into the changes to the throne in the first half of the 11th century and the nobility history of southern Germany. At the same time clarifying research on "Kuno von Öhningen", Jan Thorbecke Verlag Sigmaringen 1987, page 164 - Hlawitschka, Eduard: Studies on the abbess series of Remiremont (7th-13th centuries), Saarbrücken 1963, pages 14,52,57-60, 62,65,71 - Eduard Hlawitschka: The beginnings of the House of Habsburg-Lothringen. Genealogical studies of the history of Lorraine and the Empire in the 9th, 10th centuries and 11th century, Saarbrücken 1969, pages 63,65-67,80,83,86-91,96-99,112,117-122,124-126, 128,130-132,135-137,138,140-146,146, 147,150,153,174 - Erkens, Franz-Reiner: Konrad II. Rule and empire of the first Salier emperor.Verlag Friedrich Puset Regensburg 1998, page 23,35 - Weinfurter, Stefan: Heinrich II. (1002-1024) Ruler at the end of times, Verlag Friedrich Puset Regensburg 1999, page 63,69,194 - Thietmar von Merseburg: Chronik Wissenschaftliche Buchgemeinschaft Darmstadt 1992, Page 214,216,422,458 -