@Lee Orr, you aren't wrong about being a relative of Charlesmagne. Your family tree links up with his through mine in all probability. You see, he had a total of 17 children from 3 wives and several mistresses. We know that 10 are legitimate through the lineages of many royal European families today, mine included, but 5 to 7 were from mistresses. He was however big enough to claim them all as his. Their mothers may be anonymous but their father was not. He was named Charles the Mighty, or "Charles L' Magnifique", because his skeleton measured 7 feet 1 inch high. Hope this helps, but yes, you're descended from French Nobility.
If you need a little diversion, consider the following question. Some shows based on historical events feature your documentable ancestors. Which show features the largest number of your direct ancestors (not just relatives)?
It could be the History Channel’s fictional series Vikings. Many of the characters in this show have living descendants, according to Geni.
Two of these characters are among the most famous/infamous Viking leaders: Ragnar Lothbrok, and his son Björn Ironside. Ragnar’s second wife Aslaug also has many descendants. (I don’t think Ragnar’s daughter Álöf Ragnarsdottir is in the series, but she also has living descendants.)
Other characters who have countless living descendants include King Harold Finehair (Fairhair) of Norway, King Ecbert of Wessex, and his son/successor Æthelwulf and grandsons Æthelred and Alfred the Great, and Alfred’s wife Ealhswith.
Rollo (Hrolf) of Normandy is portrayed as Ragnar’s brother, but he was born a century later.
King Charles of West Francia is a composite of three historical figures: Charles the Bald, Charles the Fat, and Charles the Simple.
Prince Igor of Kiev (the son of Rurik) was the ancestor of the Princes of the Rus and 600 years of Russian Tsars.
Descendants of all of these people intermarried, and their descendants may be concentrated in Europe, the Americas, and Australia, but they are found across the world.
Many, perhaps all, of these people may be listed as your ancestors. Check them out!
A major problem with creating any family tree is that older records cover primarily landed, noble, and royal families.
We all have far more peasant, serf, slave, and other “common” ancestors than we have “noble” ancestors. Even though most of these people may be lost to history, we should never forget that we are descended from them.
But, before the last few centuries, most of the surviving records are for the landowning and ruling classes. If you can find such records for your ancestors, it is interesting to trace your heritage. You may find well known figures among your ancestors and relatives. You may find family members who make you proud. You may also find some who were or who are genuinely terrible people. Unfortunately, our history (and our present) includes far too many people in the latter category. Perhaps learning about our past can help us become better people. Perhaps.
Lee Orr, the only part of your descendancy from Charlemagne that looks suspicious to me is the connection of Galienne de Beaumont to her parents. Everything else looks solid.
As stated previously in Geni discussions, Charlemagne is probably an ancestor of everyone living who has some European ancestry. So, if you can show a line of descent, that is a lucky accident (the records survived) rather than a rare honor.
That said, if you can claim descent from Charlemagne, you probably can claim it through through a number of different lines. Check his children, or at least his sons Louis, Pepin “Carloman,” and Hugh. You may have more than one as an ancestor.
If you are more ambitious, you may check the next few generations, too.
In following generations, your relationships to Charlemagne may become more complex, as his descendants marry one another. Before long, there may be too many lines of descent to unravel.
Nor is Charlemagne the only historical figure who may be your ancestor. Check Alfred the Great, Mieszko I, Boleslaus the Cruel, Rollo (Hrolf) of Normandy, Rurik, or other historical figures born before 1000. You might not find a relationship, but you might be surprised. Or simply check your list of ancestors in Geni.
Finally, your tree may be relatively small now, but relatives and researchers around the world may make connections and add additional branches.
Charlemagne is my 40th and 41st great grandfather! I have quite a few that then descend on different trees, running parallel to each other. The ones that Joseph mentions, quite a few there are on my ancestry tree also. Alfred the Great, Rollo,, and most of the royal family come down through these lines too, so we are all distantly related to them. But I feel that I have family knowing that they are my ancestors. Don't feel so alone. Silly, I know.
the world tree is getting more accurate you got connected somewhere. I do not believe it is correct that "everybody" is descended from Charlemagne. However, a great deal of European Royalty is, and the American Colonies were heavily populated and led by emmigratnt members of the competing houses of the UK of various faiths especially in the 1600s when all the action was.
From what I read about my connection to Charlemagne, apparently it all works back to two ancestors: Charlemagne or Ghengis Khan. It was a genie document that explained why those two lines when I first found the geni site.
If the connections were all input by regular people then I would think... ya right. Look at the credentials these historians has to complete before being allowed to research and then they are monitored by mentors for a couple of years.
I found a direct line to Earl of Crawford that was interesting. So far all the leads Gen provides are through my mother's line.
Read the stories and documents. They are wonderful.
The point about Charlemagne is that it's not just him, it's everybody. We're also descended from Charlemagne's floor sweeper and Charlemagne's stable hands and Charlemagne's window-cleaner's brother-in-law.
Not quite true. Actually there were two sorts of people living in AD 800. Those who are tbe ancestors of nobody living, and those who are the ancestors of the whole of Western Europe.
The Genghis Khan thing is about male lines, so the same arithmetic doesn't apply. It's specific to Genghis himself. But it was just a bad theory that some self-publicist went to the papers with. We can forget about it.
Joseph James Yanta, III there are no provable descendants living today of Harald Haarfagre (Fairhair) or Ragnar Lodbrok (whose stories are most probably comprised of several real and/or fictious persons called Ragnar).
So, please, don't say that we know of countless descendants of these two persons, since none of the claimed lines from them till today are provable.
Snorre Sturlasson is not a trustworthy source when it comes to the descendants of Harald Fairhair like Olav Tryggvason and St. Olav (Olav Haraldson). Historians of today do not believe or trust that what Snorre writes about this is correct.
My first post in this discussion (which was intended to be lighthearted rather than scholarly) perhaps should have noted that some of the names that I cited were semi-legendary figures who may not have existed and that lines of descent from them may not be accurate. (Geni does show these lines. It also contains profiles of mythical and fictional characters.)
I realize that medieval hagiographies, chronicles, and sagas may be questionable sources of history, and that some medieval rulers had fabricated genealogies intended to increase their prestige or shore up their legitimacy. But, even if you doubt the historicity of Ragnar Loðbrók, Hengest, Rurik, Odin, Adam of Eden, and similar figures, it can be fun to see how you might be related to them.
Don't take too much notice of whar Remi wrote, he doesn't understand history, or how the men in charge of power have battled to conquer the people in north.
It starts with Odin, and a couple of generations later, continous with Ivar Vidfamne, from him, all of the kings emerges, fighting off pettykings and take controls over what later becoms our kingdoms, Ivars daughter got married to Radbart, they had the son Randver who became father of Sigurd Ring, who was the father of Ragnar Lodbrok. They were all a part of the Yngling, married within the different rulers decendants, making them all related in various ways, it's a strict hierarchy, something Remy don't understand, he actually thinks that anyone from anywhere could take power and control without the legacy part. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yngling#The_family_tree
From different "sagas" some line may differ slightly, but overall, the picture is clear, most of them have existed if named, some of them also occurs in other sources from other parts of Europe, making it hard to make a conclusion that it's all fiction, but some historians will always try to make them self known (get a name) by claiming it's all invented.