Hmm. Well we know he did exist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Lombard
What there seems to be no Sources for are Moise Lombard and Anastasia Lombard.
There is some evidence that Anastia may have existed as the Archbishop's sister here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luke_Wadding. I don't have time to check the sources - but presume they're likely to be there.
So- Moise?
cf the StamVader purported descendant: Pierre Lombard, SV/PROG
and Boucher's version of one possible line to Moise (not the Archbishop)
Pierre Lombard in Boucher
It was Pierre Lombard who was a member of the congregation at Pontaix in Dauphine, a picturesque little town on the right bank of the Drome below Die. A man of about thirty years of age when he left the Amsterdam church in December 1687 he was accompanied by his wife Marie Couteau, a year his junior.71 Lombard had a further responsibility. The church register speaks of the departure of the couple “et leur Mere Eve”. It is not clear whose mother is intended here and her surname is not given.77 Whether Eve decided to remain in the United Provinces, or died before or during the voyage is uncertain. If the Lombards travelled on the Borssenburg with her she must have reached the Cape, for the voyage was not marked by the sickness and deaths which were so common a feature of the long southward passage. 1 The name Lombard is recorded among refugees at Middelburg and Leyden between 1685 and 1688 and there were Pierres at both. However Lombard is not an uncommon surname and it is known that some refugees of that name came from the north of France.74 Couteaus at Leyden and at Magdeburg in Germany were certainly from Dauphine.75 The Pontaix church suffered greatly in the persecutions of 1683 and its pastors Daniel Lambert and Daniel Lautier fled to Switzerland.76 Lombards were prominent in the neighbourhood and it is suggested that Pierre may have been a son of Antoine Lombard, a farm worker of Aurel, south of Pontaix axross the river, who remained in the district after the revocation. Antoine was the son and heir of Jean Lombard, married to Isabeau Rochas, and grandson of Mo'ise Lombard, also of Aurel. It is interesting to note that Isabeau Rochas was connected with a family Coutoux, or perhaps Couteau. The Lombards of Aurel bore the nickname “Figuier”.77 This ancestry is merely a tentative approach. There were several Pierre Lombards in and around Pontaix in the later seventeenth century78 and a further examination of contemporary legal documents will perhaps reveal another line of descent. The various Lombard families were doubtless related. They were evidently mainly of the landowning or tenant farming class. An Etienne Lombard was a consul in the municipal government of the town in 1690;79 earlier a Madeleine Lombard was fined for practising as a midwife when that occupation was closed to Calvinists.80 Related families at Pontaix to the Lombards were the Berangiers and the Serves. In 1663 Susanne Serve, wife of Daniel Berangier, made her will. She was then “gisante au lit affliger (sic) de maladie corporelle cauzee par une perte de sang qui luy (est) arrivee par les mauvaise (sic) traitements de son mary”. Her Calvinism was of a stern and unforgiving kind and she was determined that her husband’s inexpert medical care should not go unpunished. Daniel was to be excluded from his inheritance as far as the law would permit.81 Here is a vivid picture of domestic strife in the little Protestant community of Pontaix.• M. Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA: Ch 7: Cape Settlers III: from South-Eastern France and Adjoining Territories pp 178-9
In light of this it is possible that the following entry is the that of
Pierre: LOMBARD Pierre,
fils de Pierre & d'Eve BERENGIER, b 10.3.1658.
Source: DEPOUILLEMENT D'UN REGISTRE PAROISSIAL DE L'EGLISE REFORMEE DE LA PAROISSE DE PONTAIX (DRÔME) 1654 - 1672, par Dr Jean SAMBUC http://www.shpf.fr/cahiers/page.php?num=50&idpage=334
father of Pierre Lombard was Pierre Lombard married to Eve Berenger was not Antoine Lombard married to Eve Lombard
Boucher (French Speakers at the Cape, by M. Boucher, University of South Africa, Pretoria, 1981.) SUGGESTS that Pierre Lombard MAY have been the son of Antoine Lombard, a farm worker at Aurel, south of Pontaix, who remained in the district after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685.
I don't believe its true that Pierre Lombards father was Antoine from Aurel. I found this record: DEPOUILLEMENT D'UN REGISTRE PAROISSIAL DE L'EGLISE REFORMEE DE LA PAROISSE DE PONTAIX (DRÔME) 1654 - 1672, par Dr Jean SAMBUC - LOMBARD Jean, fils de Christophe, de Vercheny, x 18.2.1666 BERENGIER Marie, fille de Daniel - LOMBARD Jacques, fils de +Claude, de Vérone, x 28.4.1661, TALLUOTE Marguerite, veuve ARCHINARD - LOMBARD David, fils de Daniel & de Marguerite GRIMAUD, tra. terre, de Pontaix, x 3.7.1672, DEUS Jeanne, fille de Valentin & de Judith OURS - LOMBARD Isabeau, fille d'Hector & d'Anne ALARD, b 16.4.1656 - LOMBARD Eve, fille d'Hector & d'Anne ALARD, b 3.6.1658 - LOMBARD Marguerite, fille d'Hector & d'Anne ALARD, b 2.6.1659 - LOMBARD Jeanne, fille d'Hector & d'Anne ALARD, b 17.11.1661 - LOMBARD David, fils d'Hector & d'Anne ALARD, b 22.5.1664 - LOMBARD Lucrèce, fille d'Hector & d'Anne ALARD, b 3.11.1666 - LOMBARD Pierre, fils de Jacques & de Marguerite TALLUOTTE b 25.10.1662 - LOMBARD Anne, fille de Jean & de Françoise AUDRA, à Barsac, (maison) b 24.12.1670 - LOMBARD Isabeau, fille de Jean & de Françoise AUDRA, à Barsac (maison), b 30.12.1670 - LOMBARD Pierre, fils de Jean & de Madeleine AUDRAN, b 23.2.1659 - LOMBARD Jeanne, fille de Jean & de Marie CAILLET, d'Aurel b 12.11.1657 - LOMBARD Olympe, fille de Jean & d'Isabeau ROCHAS, b 13.9.1661 - LOMBARD Louis, fils de Jean & d'Isabeau ROCHAS, à Pontaix, b 22.9.1669 - LOMBARD Marie, fille de Joachim & de Claude DERMENON, b 21.5.1665 - LOMBARD Louise, fille de Pierre & d'Eve BERENGIER, b 30.8.1662 - LOMBARD Jean Pierre, fils de Pierre & d'Eve BERENGIER, b 6.6.1666 - LOMBARD Jean, fils de Pierre & de Jeanne CHARLAIS, b 15.7.1663 - LOMBARD Louise, fille de Pierre & de Jeanne CHARLAIS, b 14.2.1665 - LOMBARD Marie, fille de Pierre & de Jeanne LOMBARD, b 8.2.1665 - LOMBARD Pierre, fils de Pierre & d'Eve BERENGIER, b 10.3.1658 - LOMBARD Daniel "Sadon", +20.4.1662 - LOMBARD Jacques "Sadon", +15.2.1664 - LOMBARD Jean "Sadon", +1.2.1665 I am battling to connect my grand father (Hendrik Jacobus Petrus Pip Lombard, born 1896 in Brandfort, died in Durban 1972) to Pierre Lombard line. Best Regards Mary" Granger (farnimg@gmail.com)[3]
Lombard was born in Pointaix, Dauphiné, France and he came to the Cape as one of the Huguenot refugees fleeing France when the Edict of Nantes was revoked and Protestants were killed as a result. Pierre married Marie in ca. 1687 in La Chaudiere, south of Pontaix before they fled. On 6 January 1688 he & his wife Marie Couteau (1659-1718) from Soudiere in Dauphine, together with Francois Rétif, Maria Rousseau and Pierre Meyer, sailed on the ‘Borssenburg’ from Texel in the Netherlands, arriving in the Cape on 12 May 1688. Pierre Lombard farmed on ‘Langerust’ in Drakenstein (1689 - 1716) en ‘Zondernaam’ in Simondium (1699 - 1716). He also owned the farm Watergat, currently known as Bien Donne in Franshoek. In 1690 he was described as a "'n siek man met 'n vrou en een kind". He went on to have 3 sons and 3 daughters. There is a joint will of this couple executed 8th Jan. 1709, in which Pierre LOMBARD’S birthplace is given as ‘Pointais in Dauphine’ and his age as 51; his wife’s birthplace as ‘Soudiere in Dauphine,’ and her age as 50
First Fifty Years project also have parents of
Pierre Lombard baptised 10 March 1658 died circa 1717 married to Marie Couteau circa 1687 - combined will 1709
as the son of
Pierre Lombard and Eve Berengier
Sounds fair. I'll disconnect Antoine Lombard and Eve Dit Lombard and add these parents if everyone is happy, or unless someone has alternative Sources.