George 'Chief of All' Sizemore looks like it needs a merge to the master or deleted as a duplication.
Hello David:
The Sizemore family tree has been messed up for a long time. My research shows that Catherine Elizabeth "Dolly" Hart (Born Sizemore) was the daughter of George Edward Sizemore not Edward "Ned" Sizemore. She was Edward's sister. Although Edward had a daughter named Catherine Sizemore born in 1806.
There are two Edwards. One is old Ned( Tory) whose wife was allegedly Elizabeth Rachel Jackson. The other Edward was married to Annie Baldwin, my direct ancestor. George Edward was married Annie Aruna Hart.
Dolley Stacy formerly Sizemore
Born 1759 in Virginiamap
Daughter of Edward Sizemore and [mother unknown]
Sister of John Henderson Sizemore [half], Henry Sizemore [half], George Edward Sizemore [half], George Sizemore [half], John Hiram Hayman Sizemore [half], Hiram Sizemore [half], Rebecca (Sizemore) Allen [half], Owen Sizemore [half], Philip Sizemore [half], Unknown Sizemore and Edward Sizemore [half]
Wife of William Stacy — married 1784 in Hawkins, Tennessee, United Statesmap
DESCENDANTS descendants
Mother of Elizabeth (Stacy) Morelock, Thomas Stacy, William Zachariah Stacy and Richard Henry Stacy
Died 1838 in Hawkins, Tennessee, United Statesmap
I've read through all the Discussion notes because I thought the Edward Sizemore
BIRTH ABT. 1745 • Tennessee, Colonial America
DEATH ABT. 1810 • Hawkins County, Tennessee, USA
who is shown as the son of
James "Red Bird" Sizemore (1794–1885)
Elizabeth Rachel Hart Sizemore (1726–1760)
and as married to Mahala Jackson was different than the Edward Sizemore who was the son of George and Agnes.
Here on Geni the two Edwards seem to have been mixed together into one person. Reading the notes, the comment was made more than once that 'no one knows'.
When no on knows, I feel that only what can be actually known be connected and everything else disconnected, otherwise, the pathways are based on speculation.
It seems this is a bigger tangle to unknot that I know enough about to contribute to though, so I'll have to leave it to everyone else but wanted to mention what I have seen elsewhere just to have it noted.
Debbie Gambrell - curators have put innumerable hours into Sizemores. I have a personal line (a Lydia) I can’t resolve because of this. Frankly I’ve given up on doing more, and it’s not a pathway issue, because they’re all related to each other. When you advocate a disconnect, please be exactly specific.
I can definitely understand giving up. I guess your point about pathways is valid, that they're all related so eventually they all go back to the same ancestors regardless if there is an error in how they got there. But it can be a pathway issue for those trying to find how they're related to someone and not being able to be certain they path of how they appear to connect is actually accurate or just speculative. I think the speculation and trying to make things fit is how all the lines got all tangled in the first place. I don't personally advocate any particular disconnect. They're not my direct ancestors, just distant cousin and inlaw lines for me, but even so...I'm unable to be sure if I've got how I connect to any of them correct.
For example, Martha 'Mahala' Sizemore (Fields) is my 1st cousin 8x removed, so her husband is an inlaw for me but all their descendants are my cousins. And I have no idea if the info I have on her husband and his family connections is correct at all because he used to be listed as Edward B. Sizemore on Geni and now he's Edward “Ned” Sizemore with more complicated connections than he had before. So in my own tree on Ancestry, I have disconnected his parents and all other connections other than the one to his wife who is my cousin, because I can't be certain of anything else regarding him.
When Ancestry trees, etc. don't all agree on the info for a person, I tend to come to Geni to try to find validation of which might be correct, hopefully some additional notes, etc. When it comes to this Sizemore family though that process isn't working for me this time.
I've moved on already, as you said, given up, can't resolve it. I'll just leave him in my tree with none of his family connected since it's only his descendants who are related to be as blood-kin.