rabbi Eliezer Lipman Heilprin, ABD Lviv - Are the names of his father and grandfather incorrect?

Started by Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski on Thursday, March 19, 2020
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in the book:(the kozker rebbe)

הרבי מקוצק( רוטנברג, יחזקאל - שנפלד, משה)עמוד:25 page:
It is written that his father's name was Rabbi Wolf who was A.B.D.LUBLIN,
And his grandfather was Rabbi Ya'akov Halperin
Is there certain information that his father and grandfather's name as written in geni are correct, or is there a mistake that needs to be fixed?
Kevin Lawrence Hanit
many thanks

I'm deferring to Kevin who is curating the Heilprin tree. Keep in mind that there are abour 5 or more Eliezer Lipman Heilprins from around the same time.

The book is about the history of the kozker rebbe and his family, The names I wrote appear in the book (in Hebrew).
The question that needs to be asked is whether the information currently in geni is certain, or is the information written in the book correct, and the names of the father and grandfather need to be changed

I have included the relevant information in his profile picture (Hebrew information)

Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski,

The source of the information on the parents and grandparents is this Halpern tree from a genealogist named Edward Gelles, who is his 6th great-grandson:


Here is a website that has a lot of other information from Edward Gelles, in addition to the information linked above:



Claudia Bullock

Thanks so much Claudia.
If so, there is conflicting information here, and I will try to check with Naftali Walkstein and ask him what the correct information is

Kevin Lawrence Hanit
If we accept Edward Gelles as a qualified source, he writes that Shaul Whal's mother was Abigail from Jaffe family. if so please add last name(jaffe)to her profile (this is a master profile)
Abigail Ogla Katzenellenbogen
thank you very much

Yigal Burstein I see you've updated the profile of Abigail Ogla Katzenellenbogen based on http://archives.balliol.ox.ac.uk/Modern%20Papers/gelles/Some%20Fami... which Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski referenced. I believe this to be a mistake. See note in the about of Abigail's profile and linked discussion (in particular https://www.geni.com/discussions/163420?msg=1123730). Although Gelles doesn't go so far as suggesting Abigail was a daughter of Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim", only a relative of his, he brings no source for such a claim.

Private User
If so, is the information Edward Gelles wrote about the names of my great-grandfathers from the Halperin family (about them I opened the discussion) is certainly true? Or are the names mentioned in the book are the correct ones?

Private User

Yigal wrote the surname with a question mark and did not say That it was her last name for sure.
If we are confident in the articles written by Edward Gelles, then I do not consider it a mistake

Before making any changes, I would highly suggest you consult the administrator of the Halpern and Branches Project, Andrea Ziegelman: https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/halpern/about. Andrea has been working on the Halpern tree for many years. Andrea does have a GENI profile but I do not think she is monitoring GENI.

Private User
She writes herself: it looks as if my HALPERN family does NOT descend from the large HEILPERIN descended from Zebulun HEILPERIN.

I am a descendant of zebulun
I haven't made any changes, I'm waiting for the answer of
Private User

I am not sure whether one needs to be a direct descendant of Zebulun Heilprin to study and know about the Heilprin family history. Andi did lots of work on this while she thought she was a descendant :-) Regarding Edward Gelles, I merely point out that because one is wrong about one thing doesn't make one wrong about everything, and vice versa. :-) I await Mr. Royde with you.

Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski,

Private User makes an excellent point. In fact it was one I had thought of myself, but he beat me to it!

It is clear from earlier discussion that there has been a great deal of confusion, controversy, and debate over who the parents of Abigail Ogla Katzenellenbogen were, with the conclusion being that the identity of her parents is unknown. The reason that some have suggested that she was a Jaffe, as best I can remember seems to be due to a spelling error which caused her to be confused with another woman who had a very similar name, in other words, a simple case of mistaken identity that was understandable and could have easily misled otherwise knowledgeable people.

From the perspective of The Unbroken Chain, so far I have not noticed any names given for her parents (if anyone thinks I missed this, please let me know as I haven't been through the whole 5 volumes yet). I tend to believe that if anyone would know the identity of her parents, it would be Neil Rosenstein and that if he knew who they were, he would have been mentioned them.

Anyway.... the bottom line is that even though Gelles (and many others) may have been wrong about the parentage of Abigail Ogla Katzenellenbogen this does not make him an unreliable source in general. Everyone makes mistakes, and a mistake such as this one seems reasonable and understandable.


Claudia Bullock
hi claudia,
As you know, I constantly try to look for information and grow the family tree.While searching I also sometimes find errors in geni, and then I open discussions.
I have no problem that the name (jaffe?) Will be deleted.I thought if she was indeed from jaffe family I could try to search for information.Because her parents' names are probably unknown, I will leave searches in this branch
I am now dealing with the Hilperin family, because I found many errors that require the intervention of a curator to correct
many thanks

I'm deferring to Private User on this one.

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