Rebecca Anderson (Crawford) - Why does the Geni call her a third wife but I only see two? Can a Curator check please?

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Monday, December 2, 2019
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Rev. James Anderson, Sr. only had two wives, to my knowledge BUT her trek says:

"Rebecca Anderson is your third great grandmother's husband's second great grandfather's 3rd wife."

As I understand there was a wife prior to Suit Garland, but she died young, they had no children. I understand her death was in 1712. I will see if I can find more information on this. Possibly a curator has more information on this. The first marriage was in Scotland.

I think it is a glitch that she is showing as a third wife.

Thank you Rebecca Mitchell

In the relationships tab, renumber the marriages.

Probably legacy from a merge. OR there’s a missing wife; study the profile notes to determine that.

Fixed now as far as I can tell.

Thank you! Erica Howton

AH! Nope Erica Howton--there is no RELATIONSHIP tab for him

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