None of the sources cited for any of these people shows this fourth marriage, which is shown in the primary geni listing of her marriages and accounts for the geni parentage of Ralph de Limesi I. Looking at dates, she was born circa 1029/1030, he is shown as born 1040. Are there any primary sources on the Limesi family that can be consulted?
Thank you very much for calling attention. Apparently his supposed origins have been discredited:
Ralph de Limésy: Conqueror’s Nephew?
The Origins of a Discounted Claim
Peter Jackson (University of Oxford)
The name of Ralph de Limésy is well enough known to medieval prosopographers, both as a substantial tenant-in-chief in several counties in post-Conquest England and as the founder (ca 1095) of a Benedictine house at Hertford as a cell of St. Alban’s. From the seventeenth century, attempts have been made to put some flesh on the bones of this powerful but obscure figure by asserting that he had a very specific claim to royal patronage: that he was, in fact, the ‘sister’s son’ of William the Conqueror.1 The purpose of the present note is not to test this claim (which has long been discounted),2 but to trace its origin a little further back – and to demonstrate its surprising resilience. ...