According to both the citations in the Overview and citations at http://macleodgenealogy.com/ACMS/D0022/I2.html, Tormod was indeed married to both Christina Fraser and Fingula MacCrotan, but Fingula was the mother of Malcolm Gillecaluim and Murdoch Murchadh, and Christina the mother of Leod and Godfrey.
Burke's Peerage gives him also Dorothea Ross, the mother of Norman Roderick.
Are there objections to switching the moms?
I'm not seeing where the information that puts the children where they are came in from -- but the MacLeods are extremely vexed, and I surely can be just missing it.
Private User
Tormod MacLeod, second of Lewis, is presently identified on the Geni tree as the son of Leod, the first of Lewis. However, the History of the MacLeods identified him as the son of Torquil, son of Leod, and as the third of Lewis. In his history of the MacLeods of Dunvegan, the Reverend Canon R. C. MacLeod identified Tormod MacLeod as the first of the Dunvegan family, rather than the second or third of Lewis. It seems possible therefore, that two different men named Tormod have been confused on the Geni tree.
Dorothea, daughter of William, Earl of Ross is the only wife identified for Tormod MacLeod in the History of the MacLeods. The Earl of Cromartie disagreed. He identified Dorothea as the wife of Torquil, and the mother of Tormod.
The Earl of Cromartie identified Fingila MacCrotan as the wife of Tormod McLeod, first of the Dunvegan family. In his history of the MacLeods of Dunvegan, the Reverend Canon R. C. MacLeod identified Christina Fraser, daughter of Sir Alexander Fraser, as the wife of the same Tormod MacLeod, of the Dunvegan Family.
The History of the MacLeods
The MacLeods of Dunvegan
Me too, but the problem is that the MacLoeds are NOT easy -- the lines have been being argued for about 100 years; and the experts disagree in several places.
So mostly at the moment -- this will change -- we are getting the various histories together, and figuring out what lines of argumentation to use.
It's a giant headache, really.