1) the claims of this all being a legend arising in 1895 is not correct, which discounts that researcher Brown came to us to hear about our Nicati history, having passed it for generations. The Name.2.) says he left a little girl not a infant baby, showing that the blogger uses thelittlest things to support a claim of family myth; but, a infant baby and little girl can have the same meaning. Point 3.) posits that Nicati married a cavalier family, not Trader Hughes is debunked by Dr Cabbell on p. 13-14 of his book. Also, the My Dear Rush' Letter names a man Hughes, Grandma had no way of knowing this or checking Dr. Cabell; and later, a John Hughs is found in the same community of Appomatox Co, whose will is logged in 1712 4.) Blogger had claimed that N.J. Floyd "has now found a mother for" Nicati. No all NJ Floyd ever was passed on was this: "Nicati was the daughter of Pocahontas sister, whom had her by way of her uncle and NJ iFloyd' s1895 stuff,, but fast forward in 1912. and there was No NJ Floyd (the finder of the Petition) and still the My Dear Rush Letter has the same story but not conferred with far distant kin on it and the stories were the same. . 5.)Blog said it was 1912 that the who myth got started and that the Floyd family told Nicati was daughter of Cleopatra and that NJ Floyd made it up Blogger left out the information on the petition he found that tied his family to the source of why they had the petition in their posession, being part of the family of Cleopatra and the first to let the world know there was such as person. 6.) Blog, claimed tjat blogger was told Hughes was Aztec ( I told her our kin also passed Nicat
dad was passed down in the family as wearing gold snake shaped arm bands with green stone for eyes and his style was same as Aztec style, not he was one, and deff not Hughes. getting that out of that said is just not legit. 7.) If Blogger would have seen that Niciti's father, Opecancanough, and this discovered sister of Pocahontas by the finding of the petition by NJ, Floyd was then given to Researcher Brown at the request of the founder of the Va Historical Society founder, the daughter of Gov. Floyd of WV, then. the point would be taken that NJ Floyd was only ever told Nicati was daughter of Pocahontas sister. So, without all of these people, no one would know about Cleopatra and since you claim Cleopatra as not fake, then it goes to show that the person who turned in the petition about her existance and Brown's writings and accompanying letter by his team researcher would go into the point that there is no way that Nicati was a family myth. 8.) The blog gets into muddy myth accusation with muddy facts saying If Hughes was born in 1665- he would of been 80 in 1720 but there is a missing generation or even two up from Abadiah like the Dear Rush Letter explains.. 9.)) Blogger said that Nicati would be same age, then adds a pointless issue life expectancy was 40-50 back then, true BUT, that did not matter if a kid lived past a certain age they would live to be old like today. that was based on the high rate of child deaths.. The original story was based off a missing generation or maybe even two.
Alot of stuff does confuse me of the story.... Like how my grandma knew the stone footers would be there and come back to a family named Hughes on records. Far as that goes how did anyone. Like Col. Floyds parents, or even Robert Davis,kids, like Cabbell, story was from his wife. her story is what leads him to the said location in search of sigh of a trading post. it looked then as today. if i found this after my wifes story and records loss i would of searched deeper as he did to. there is so many things in the Rush Letter Grandma had no way of knowing or even searching for or even knew then. like we Floyds did not thank our grandpa had a kid with first wife named Mourning, until years later Records proved true. yet we told it along with Nicati all same story when we told who he was. not sure this was Fairy tale to Cabbell after finding those stone foundations and Floyds matching name and story anymore.
I suppose the word in the cummunity was "Trader Hughes" as that was what they were told; best guess is from the on record name of Hughs (sic) which when written John Hughs (sic) in the record by the logger of the Rice Hooe will in 1712 in Appotomox Co, and we know that due to the person in the will being in the same will book as the same deed owning communals in the Duncan/Hooe/Massey/Mauzy neighbors as the Rice Hooe 2 whose deed was logged in as "John Hughs(sic)".
And very doubtful, to help a grieving child , whom whole family was killed by British backed tribes, you love and fill bad for ways he was getting treated, then to comfort him over his looking so Native, tell the Child his dad was Native also.. does not add up at all. if so would be first case i ever seen. would one not try to separate from that line of kin after? A Blue- greenish man killed your dad but is ok because your dad was same race of man...is this what is getting applied?