According to this website with its sources, John Carrington and his wife were tried and convicted and hanged as witches.
According to this website with its sources, John Carrington and his wife were tried and convicted and hanged as witches.
“For unknown reasons, he and his wife Joan were charged with witchcraft at a court held on February 20, 1651. The indictment read:
“Thou art indicted by the name of John Carrington of Wethersfield, carpenter, that not having the fear of God before thine eyes thou hast entertained familiarity with Satan, the great enemy of God and Mankind; and by his help has done works above the course of nature, according to the laws of God and the established laws of this commonwealth thou deservest to Dye.”
The same indictment was handed down to his wife, Joan.
Both were convicted of witchcraft on March 6, 1651, and sentenced to death. They were hanged at Hartford on March 06, 1651.
After their deaths, their estate was worth only 23 pounds and their debts were 13 pounds.
After the trial of the Carringtons, Wethersfield remained free witchcraft proceedings, for more than a decade.”
John Carrington, Sr., of Wethersfield