Ebles II, count of Roucy - Merge problem?

Started by Linda Wellman on Friday, March 1, 2019
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Ebles II keeps displaying as my great uncle - which is fine - except he is my 20th, 22nd, 23rd & 26th GGF. His wife, Sybille de Hauteville, comes up as my GGU's wife, when he was married only once, so she should, at the very least, display as my great-aunt -- although she's my GGM.
I understand about Geni's algorithms taking the shortest path, even though some of the 4 lines are shorter than the path to his sister (also my GGM) which keeps coming up. But, I'm hoping someone can fix his wife's line

Linda, I understand as I have quite a few paternal and maternal crossing in my lineages which causes a problem with any computer software program. Even in Ancestry.com with some of the linking now this is starting to do the same exact thing to my lineages on that site too. I don’t think a quick fix will be in the near future. I just keep clicking through the linage and after a couple of generations it does straighten out again.

You are not alone in this occurrence, when writing the software programming I’m sure they didn’t realize my maternal 5th cousin was my paternal 6th GGF haha! Just ran into a paternal 13th GGF that was a maternal first cousin 13xr .... so much for planned marriages back in the day! Happy hunting and hope one day it works out for you:)

We share this lineage through my Moseley |Ligon Heritage. Ebels II, was my 26th GGF.

Thanks, Suzan! I see that we are 10th cousins thru Francis Cooke

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