See http://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Master_Profile for a description of Master Profiles on Geni.
Before posting here, please check a few things:
- Please try your hardest to connect your profile to the tree (or at least a significant stand-alone tree)
- Please check https://www.geni.com/curators first to see if there's a specific curator who specializes in your area, to whom you should address your request
- Please make sure your profile is well-written with proper grammar and punctuation, and where possible, source citations.
(I'm putting it out here even though it still needs work)
If you are copying the biography from wikipedia, please only include the introduction section and include the link for further reading. You may do it all by hand (and make a few formatting fixes), or you can use this little tool:
Made a Master Profile but it’s really not good enough. Can anyone help build her tree?
Are you able to have a look at my 3x great grandfather to assess his profile please.
Daniel Gittinger...
I have most sources needed and they have been up loaded to his Profile. If you need further information please let me know.
Terry Francis
Aaron Legg, Convict “Ratcliffe” 1848
Gender: Male
Birth: 1824
Buckland Newton, Dorset, England, Dorset, England, United Kingdom
Death: September 20, 1860 (36)
H.M Gen Hospital, Hobart, Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (Pneumonia)
Immediate Family:
Son of Richard Legg and Mary Legg
Husband of Mary Legg
Father of Joseph Francis and John Francis legg
Brother of David Legg; Ann Legg; david Legg and Jonathon Legg
If anyone is a contemporary literature fan, here’s a list of “new writers” who probably need Geni trees. Have at it!
Curators: My profile is good enough to be a Master Profile! Can you please assess
My 3x Great Grand mother Mary Hickey. I have most sources needed and they have been up loaded to her Profile. If you need further information please let me know.
Mary Legg - Shields - Green, [Convict "Martin Luther" 1851]
Mary Legg - Shields-green (Hickey), Convict “Martin Luther” 1851
Gender: Female
Birth: 1827
Tipperary, Ireland, County Tipperary, Ireland
Death: October 17, 1867 (40)
General Hospital, Hobart , Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Immediate Family:
Wife of Aaron Legg, Convict “Ratcliffe” 1848; Francis Shields and William Green
Mother of Joseph Francis and John Francis legg
Tagging Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) 🇦🇺 again.
Terry John Francis Impressed you found the 3rd husband, well done.
I think the following Profiles from my tree would qualify for a Master Profile:
Melchior Lotter (the guy who first printed Luther's thesis)
Johannes Ralla (was influencial for forming the apothecary system in Germany, friend of Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon)
Konrad Kachelofen (teacher in bookprinting of earlier mentioned Melchior Lotter)
Note the profiles currently only lists the children relevant to my family tree. Should this be fixed before making it a master profile ? And should some cites from the linked Wikipedia articles be added ?
Sources for the three are mainly corpse preaches from the Stollberg collection. I cannot attach them as the library where I copied them required "the copy kept private". I listed sources which can be shared.
Thanks in advance.
Robert Englund is an american actor and celebrity, if you feel that you're not up to make him public, it might depend on the fact that you either not know what to do, or do not know anything about him. Let me help you.
"To qualify as a celebrity in this list, the profile must be set to Public and should be designated Master Profile,...Category Examples...Art & Entertainment Writers, Actors, Directors, Musicians, Composers, Painters, Scultpors...."
Steffen Häuser Nice, MPs made. Can you add more biographical details ? And you can never have too many citations / footnotes !
I would pursue the trees and associations wherever they lead. In fact I could see a nice little project - Martin Luther’s World?
Erica Howton
MacGyver (TV Series)
Tim Wexler
- Flame's End (1986) ... Tim Wexler
https://www.geni.com/projects/Notable-Swedish-Americans/52455 Created, needs image, collaborators, and geni profiles. Please join.
Erica Howton, thanks so much! I added our "usa-ethnic" tag to it. If anyone is ever looking for our projects like this for various ethnic groups, browse https://www.geni.com/projects/tag/usa-ethnic to see what's available.
I was hoping someone would make that one soon. :)
@Erica Howton Thanks a lot. I will add some more biographical details (not immediately, but possibly during the next week). Yeah, it is funny how many people connected in some way to Martin Luther are in my tree - my family is strictly catholic since a long time (those ancestors of course were protestants).
I have 2 more people were I wonder if they deserve Master Profile - one is a high official of the princes of Brandenburg-Ansbach in 16th century. Another one is the guy who developed the mining-technics used in Bohemia which prevented the mine running full of water (the second guy actually has a Wikipedia page). What do you think ? The official - father of the guy who married a daughter of Johannes Ralla - is actually of family Schlaginhauffen. If there is actual relation to Johann Schlaginhauffen (yet another friend of Martin Luther) is not known though. They seem to come from different areas, but the same unusual name (which according to family legend goes back to a triple of mediavel soldiers who used this as "combat names" - if the legend is true I do not know)
At the other recent posts - I find it really interesting that there are many profiles of "recently known people" - actors and the like. This is fascinating stuff. Myselves I'd be looking for one certain person, anybody knows if his profile is on Geni ? I'd love to do a tree about him. The person is David Andrew Gemmell (he'd deserve Master Profile, due to being the most amazing Fantasy Book Author) *1.8.1948 in London, +28.7.2006 East Sussex. I saw some "older" Gemmell's are on Geni (even some named David, most likely ancestors of his), but I did not find a David Andrew.
I’m someone who really enjoys trees for notables on Geni, whether we can connect them yet or not; and part of the point of a World tree is you never know if someone else can find a link until you put it out there.
There’s enough info in https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Gemmell to get his tree started - use “create a branch” from the “research” menu to make it, and post back with the link when ready for MP. There are certainly enough projects (British Writers, Sci Fi, etc).
And by all means the Austrian and Bohemian you mentioned, with good trees & bios.
Todd Michael Edelman Found Damon Albarn for us and it’s a decent profile but the tree could use work. I think it’s possible to extend, just from the Wikipedia info.
So please help.
Curators: My profile is good enough to be a Master Profile! Can you please assess
My 3x Great Grand mother Mary Hickey. I have most sources needed and they have been up loaded to her Profile. If you need further information please let me know.
Not sure what has happened so i will repost
Mary Legg - Shields-green, Convict “Martin Luther” 1851
Mary Legg - Shields-green (Hickey), Convict “Martin Luther” 1851
Gender: Female
Birth: 1827
Tipperary, Ireland, County Tipperary, Ireland
Death: October 17, 1867 (40)
General Hospital, Hobart , Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Immediate Family:
Wife of Aaron Legg, Convict “Ratcliffe” 1848; Francis Shields and William Green
Mother of Joseph Francis and John Francis legg
Terry Francis