Baldwin II, count of Clermont is your 26th great grandfather.
→ Rosalie Frances Duffy
your mother → Veronica Eugene Rosalie Duffy
her mother → Helen Ogilvie Trail Fairbridge
her mother → Rhys Seymour Fairbridge
her father → Francis Seymour Fairbridge
his father → Dr. James William Fairbridge
his father → Elizabeth Fairbridge
his mother → Colonel Thomas Traill of Holland
her father → George Traill of Westness
his father → Alexander Traill of Blebo
his father → John Traill of Blebo
his father → Barbara Trale
his mother → James Logan
her father → John Logan of Grogar, 2nd of Restalrig
his father → Simon Logan, of Flemington
his father → Katherine Stewart, Princess of Scots
his mother → Robert II, King of Scots
her father → Walter Stewart, 6th High Steward of Scotland
his father → Gille de Burgh, of Ulster
his mother → Walter de Burgh, 1st Earl of Ulster
her father → Egidia de Lacy, Lady of Connacht
his mother → Walter de Lacy, Lord of Meath
her father → Rohesia de Monmouth
his mother → Rohesia FitzGilbert de Clare
her mother → Adeliza de Claremont
her mother → Hugues I de Breteuil, comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis
her father → Ermengardis de Clermont, Dame de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis
his mother → Baldwin II, count of Clermont
her father