They match, but the son on the right makes little sense. He has a different last name and there is already a son named John.
They match, but the son on the right makes little sense. He has a different last name and there is already a son named John.
Private User - I traced down the stick tree on the right. It appears the user - inactive since May 10 - is trying to determine why his ancestor has the name Joseph Warren DeCamp.
From the Smart Matches for Joseph Warren DeCamp there appears to be info on Family Search. Without sources on Geni, I cannot be sure the new tree is correct.
Notes in the profile for Major General Dr. Joseph Warren, III explain the John DeCamp name, I think.
The research on my families relationship with Warren started with an obituary my mother found in her family Bible. Having posted the obituary on the various genealogy websites I received a quarry from a Harvard Professor who recently authored a book on the famous General. Warren's wife passed away while their children were young and the General hired a nanny who became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter approximately two weeks after the General was killed at the Battle of Breed's Hill. Expenses for the mother and child were paid for by the Warren Estate as was the custom back in that era. In the professor's research he shared a few letters that were written between the General's family and friends that indicate that the daughter was living with a few of Warren's other children.
My 4th. great grandfather James Stafford came to southwestern PA (i.e. Connellsville, Fayette County) and his wife was named Mary (i.e. the daughter of Warren & his nanny Sally Edwards). One of Warren's other daughters was named Mary as well. Once she became an adult she changed it to Polly. Warren's mother's name was Mary as well.
In the will for James Stafford it lists his grandson who was named "George Warren Stafford". He being the only person from that generation with a middle name.
Based off of all the research I have done along with my mom's and the Harvard professor, I am convinced that General Joseph Warren is my 5th. Great grandfather.
Erica Howton - But the Family Search profile for Joseph Warren DeCamp - - leads back to a Job deCamp and not John.
I'm just not convinced on the DeCamp family above Joseph Warren DeCamp.
Please un-merge my mistake
I tried to stop it but it was too late
I believe these are the same, but would feel better leaving it to someone more familiar with the era:
Tabitha Owen
Tabitha Owen
Same husband William Owen and child Sarah Nation
But different parents, extra children.
They match, but the husband and son wouldn't work with the existing husband and children. I think it's a not so great GEDCOM.
Erica regarding your post on Maj. Warren.'s a minor point, but I assume you mean Mary started using her nickname Polly, rather than changed her name, Of course, Mary and Polly are the same moniker, Mary formal Polly nickname. I just mention it at many people don't seem to realize this, or recognize other "not necessarily obvious" pairings such as Belle /Sybill, Nora or Nell / Eleanor, Jenny / Virginia, Sukie/ Susannah, etc.
Private User - Agreed that she matches, but the husbands do not. The one on the right is from a stalled GEDCOM that started in 2021. (Manager is offline since then. Grr!)
Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 - worked on Tabitha Owen origin family. I don’t have resources for her children.
I’m unable to merge the parents from my iPhone— a glitch?
I don’t typically even try but was doing what I was thinking to be quick clean up
Please see Colonel Moses James Alexander, I
Also, WAS he born in Maryland? Son attached shows son born in Ireland
From an import done recently, I have a pile of tree matches in the Washingtons - again.
Begins with (Capt. Lawrence Washington)
There is also an abandoned stick-and-spouse tree with a fictitious connection to the Washingtons - Elizabeth Anne Kendall supposedly had Elizabeth Clements But the info for Anne Wright (MP) says she only had one child.
Erica Howton - Elizabeth Anne Kendall (a new profile) supposedly has a daughter - Elizabeth Clements But Anne Wright (MP) states that she only had the one child, a son.
Thus, at a minimum, Elizabeth Anne Kendall should be disconnected from Elizabeth Clements
Elizabeth Clements Is not connected. Maybe you saw a momentary connection while I was undoing bad merges nearby?
Erica Howton - You did a whole lot of stuff with Elizabeth Clements and Elizabeth Anne Kendall
As for the duplicates caused by the import - try (Reverend Lawrence Washington (MP) as the cut point.
Every profile above Capt. Lawrence Washington likely has (or had) a duplicate from the import.
My merge center still has these matches: (2 matches for Amphyllis Washington) (Reverend Lawrence Washington) (Lawrence Washington, I) (Margaret Washington)
The user was not aware of the "tree build" that occurred in September 2012 of the Washingtons.
I found an unfinished merge, which I think was with a GEDCOM trees. As is common in GEDCOM trees, the children's names match, but the dates are off, even if they would have been alive at the same time. Plus, the first stacked merge is a locked relationship.